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Dali wanted to ignore her and move away but in vain. Because, Nabi held her arm and now they both were having an eye contact.

" Little sister, I need your help", Nabi said making a sad face.

Dali stopped on her tracks hearing sister from the mouth f the one who doesn't like her.

" Dali-ah, I need your help. I have signed a contract with Mr. Kim Namjoon of the Kim Cosmetics. Please can you fulfill the contract at my place. I am in need of help. Please. I beg of it" Nabi said.

Dali ignored her and was about to walk off when Nabi removed her big shades revealing her burning skin allergy.

" Dali, I need to get my surgery done. If not then my face will be completely ruined. I will take care of mom in your absence. I will do everything for her."

Dali was in tears. She did not want to face Namjoon but she also can't leave her sister like that. So poor Dali agreed.

" Today at 6, you have to go to the Kim Cosmetics to read the further negotiations and AEO."


Dali went away not looking at the smirking face of Nabi.


Dali dressed up the way Nabi does and went to the Kim Cosmetics. She was greeted by Jimin who showed her the way.

Dali entered the cabin and there sitting was Namjoon

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Dali entered the cabin and there sitting was Namjoon. He was sitting on a table with 2 files on the either ends. He actioned Dali to sit.

"So, Ms. Nabi, there is a file kept there. You may write everything about you in that file and I will write in mine. Also, make sure that the pointers are even in number. You may start."

Dali started writing nervously everything in the file. She eyed Namjoon who was all focused in writing about himself.

" Such a mouthbreather he is!", Dali thought to herself.

She finished writing and went to peek in what Namjoon has written as she gave him her file. She was amused to see big big paragraphs written neatly without spelling errors.

" Nabi-ssi, you can mention your conditions and I will mention mine and then we will do the final signing and then its done. Tomorrow you can move in my house."


They both mentioned their conditions and signed the files. 


Kim Nabi is sitting near her mother and thinking something. She takes out her phone and rings someone.

" Tony, book 2 tickets for NYC. Book them on urgency. Reason will be death also specify a medical patient."

Her mother sleeping while she talked.

" Mail me the tickets once they arrive. Do it right away."


Dali and Irene were sitting in the living room of Dali's appartment.

" Okay! So that Namjin...Namjoon...uggg he wants you to live in his house?" Irene asked Dali being all shocked and upset.



Irene got cut off by a sudden call. This call was from a service taker who needed a designated driver.

" Wait for me"

Irene said and went into her room. She bought a bag and took out pepper spray, baton, taser, elctrocution light. She gave them to Dali being all dramatic and left for the duty. Dali sighed and picked the items up and carefully packed them in a box. She smiled a little at the over protectiveness of her friend. 

Dali was done packing since she had to leave tonight. She went out of her apartment and was standing there waiting for the cab. She received a call from Nabi. She picked it up.

" I am taking mom with me to the USA. You better fulfill the contract"

" But eon-" Dali was cut off because Nabi hung up the call and did not let her complete. As soon as the cab arrived, Dali told the driver to take her to the airport. As the driver was driving, a car was coming adjacent to them. The cars collided. Due to shock dali fainted in the backseat while the driver panicked. The person driving the other car came out and took Dali to the hospital. 

He informed Irene as her number was provided as the emergency contact along with Namjoon's. He also informed Namjoon but his call was attended by Jimin.


Dali was lying in the hospital bed unconscious but when she opened her eyes, she recognized the person who bought her when he told his name as Kang Haneul. 

" Miss, are you okay? I am so sorry because of me.."

" its okay"

Just then Irene entered with a bang and was about to call Dali by her real name but Dali eyed her no to and she understood. 

" Nabiyaaa, what happened to you... "

" Irene I am okayyy"

" Hello, miss. I am Kang Haneul. Actually, our cars hit each other and a little collision occurred. Miss Nabi passed out due to-"

Haneul was cut off when the door opened with a bang revealing Namjoon who was all tensed up. He was followed by Jimin. Namjoon and Haneul made an eye contact with each other.


Namjoon cleared all the bills while Haneul and Irene helped Dali out. Namjoon took Dali with him after taunting Haneul. It seemed like they both already knew each other. 

" Hey you! Mister! Tell your Mr. President to be gentle and god with my friend. I will you you both if you are not." Irene spoke to Jimin who seemed to notice each and every action of Namjoon in shock.


"I WILL NOT!!!" Irene said to Jimin while sticking her tongue out. She walked pass Jimin as she hit his shoulder with hers. Haneul stood there perplexed and contemplating everything. Namjoon took Dali to his home and she was amazed.

 Namjoon took Dali to his home and she was amazed

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He took her to his room. At first Dali went there. Then she realized something after seeing a particular person.

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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