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Lim Jaekyung joined the Kim Cosmetics as a director. The decision was not made by Namjoon but the other board members. Lim Jaekyung manipulated Namjoon and got Dali transferred to her department. She often took credits for her works and falsely accused Dali. Jimin and Irene were dating each other. Namjoon and Dali often had conflicts. 

Jaekyung never missed any chance to defame Dali and instigate her more and more giving her little clues about her past with Namjoon. This time Dali was fed up. She reached home very late.

" Namjoon-ah, can you please transfer me back as your PA?"

" Nabi, I am busy. We will talk about this later."

" Namjoon-ah, I am sick. I am fed  up of daily blames and overworking. She doesn't treat me well. She lies."


" Why are you shouting at me?!"

" JAEKYUNG TOLD ME EVERYTHING ABOUT HOW YOU MESS UP THINGS! Its not that I don't trust you but I want you to do well. Why don't you understand. She is there just to help you."

" Now you are speaking for her because you have a past with her. Because she is your ex-girlfriend!!!"


Dali was in tears. Namjoon softened at this state of her. Before he could do anything, Dali ran out of the house. She ran to the park where she always goes. It started raining heavily and Dali was drenched. An umbrella was placed above her head protecting her from the rain. 

Dali turned back only to realize that it was Namjoon. She bursted into tears. 

" Nabi-ah, I am sorry."


" Nabi-ah, I am a jerk okay. I acted on impulse. I wanted to tell this one thing to you today..."

Dali's eyes shot up.

" Nabi-ah, I love you. Its been a bit of time since I started to develop feelings for you...These feelings did not fade away..They grew and grew day by day..."

Dali was happy but was taken aback. She turned her back towards Namjoon and said " This is wrong...This should have not happened..."

Namjoon was shocked and he dropped the umbrella and walked backwards. Dali mustered up her courage and turned around and ran and back hugged Namjoon. She bought her face closer to Namjoon's ear.

" Namjoon-ah, I love you too"

Namjoon turned around and smashed his lips on hers. This sight was captured in the camera by Jimin and Irene. This sight was also witnessed by Haneul who clenched his jaws in anger. 

"Nabi, what she told you is-" Namjoon was cut off by Dali who pecked his lips before he could complete.

" I trust you. Give her a proper closer tomorrow itself. Got it?" Dali said.

They both went back to their house and so did Jimin and Irene.


Dali was working. Namjoon called Jaekyung to his office. Last night Haneul had already informed her about what happened. She took her anti depressants bottle and entered the cabin.

" Namjoon, what happened?"

"What relation did we have?"

" Namjoon, you liked me back then, I liked you back then. I know you still like me. "

" Lt me remind you. You were the only girl in the astronomy club. We talked to you nicely and behaved like gentlemen only because of that reason. I did not have any feelings for you back then. "

" I am gonna resign if this is what you wanted to tell me. "

She kept the resignation letter on Namjoon's table. He willingly signed it. She was stunned because she thought that he would stop her. 

Jimin filmed this and sent it to Dali. Dali rushed towards the cabin and asked Jimin for the hottest and darkest red shade of the lipstick. He gave that to her and she applied it. 

Meanwhile, Jaekyung ate 4 tablets of the anti- depressants and fell down as per her plan. The medicines react after 15 minutes. Namjoon rushed towards her and took her head and tried to wake her up. 

Dali hurried to office in swag and pulled Namjoon up from his tie and kissed him. Jaekyung couldn't see this sight. Now she was fired. She rushed out and cleaned her cabin and left the Kim enterprises. Haneul who came to the company for some work saw Jaekyung faint. He grew tensed and took her to the hospital.

In the hospital, Jaekyung opened her eyes and told him everything. She was in tears but did not want to bother Namjoon more after a brutal rejection. Haneul clenched his jaws.

" I would never let anyone hurt you Jaekyung. I love you and I won't let it slide this time. Kim Namjoon, you have to pay for this." Haneul thought to himself and left the hospital. 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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