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Dali was very happy because the parcel she received this time was from Namjoon. Namjoon was peeking from the bedroom and smiled sheepishly seeing his Nabi being overly happy. The parcel had a dress and a pair of heels. 

They both got ready for the auction that was supposed to be held today.

They both got ready for the auction that was supposed to be held today

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They both looked breathtaking

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They both looked breathtaking. They both entered the auction together and since Namjoon was the sponsor, he had to perform a dance with a girl. Miki, the manager was also present there. She was hoping that Namjoon would choose her. 

" i would like to have a dance with my love Nabi", Namjoon bowed and Dali blushed and gave her hand in his.

They both danced and got applauded. Now it was time for the auction and everyone was seated. Namjoon and Nabi were sitting on the front row and Jimin was sitting on the chair in the second row behind Dali.


The organizer of the auction took a walk and her eyes fell on a beautiful diamond and pearl necklace. 

" I am myself going to present this angel tear necklace." She said. 

The auction started. One by one the items were being sold. This time the announcer made the announcement.

" The next item is a jewel. It is auctioned by Mr. Kim from the Kim Cosmetics. The Organizer Ms. Lim Jaekyung is herself going to showcase the necklace"

Hearing Angel tear, Dali's face dropped the smile and lost all it' color. hearing the name Lim Jaekyung, Namjoon's face became serious. Guess what, he did not see this coming. 

Then a woman entered and she was looking damn gorgeous. The angel tear added to her beauty. 

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Dali stood up from her place all shocked seeing necklace in the auction

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Dali stood up from her place all shocked seeing necklace in the auction.

" Nabi-ah, what happened?"

" Namjoon-ah, that necklace...its mine....its given to me by my late is her last thing that we have...eottokhae..."

" Don't worry, I will buy that again for you"

Haneul heard their talks and wanted to buy the necklace for Dali.

Both Haneul and and Namjoon started bidding and the amount raised way too much. Namjoon being Namjoon won against Haneul and bought the necklace back fr his love.

Jaekyung noticed all this and felt sad. Namjoon got up and went to the stage. He took the mic.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, today, I bought this necklace. Well, I understand that the price was not a bit but way too unusual but I can do anything for the one I like. Kim Nabi, I want you to come up on the stage so that I can show the world the treasure I have..."

At first Dali hesitated but then Jimin pushed her and she went to the stage. Dali went to the stag and Jaekyung eyed her in disgust. Namjoon went towards Jaekyung and removed the necklace harshly with a jerk from her neck and put it around Dali's neck. Jimin clapped his hands and so did others. Haneul was fuming in rage and left the auction. Jaekyung had tears in her eyes but blinked them away.

Dali was very happy and she hugged Namjoon who hugged her back. Jimin clicked their image and sent it to Namjoon's grandmother.

Th auction was over. Namjoon sent Dali back home along with Jimin. He was walking out when Jaekyung approached him for a handshake. Namjoon denied the handshake. Jaekyung felt a sting pain in her heart.

" Namjoon-ah, I am back...Won't you come back to me?"

" I don't talk to people who leave without saying goodbyes"

" Are you still angry on me for what I did back then?"

" I don't hold grudges-" Namjoon was cut off with a call. This call was from Dali. Her ankle twisted so she wanted some ointments.

" Ms. Lim, please excuse me, I have to take the ointments for my love. Thanks for organizing the auction.", Nmajoon said and moved away.

Jaekyung felt very sad. She again felt a presence behind her and turned around thinking it was Namjoon. To her surprise it was Haneul. He did not leave the auction but waited.

" Long time no see, old friend"

" You sure Haneul-ssi?!"

" uhuh"

" Well, you look more handsome in Korea"

" So, re you in for a drink and a handshake?"

" Hmmmm.... ofc duhh!!" Jaekyung said as they both shared a small laughter.

They both left for drinking. Namjoon and Dali also had a beautiful talk where he talked about his even number obsession and childhood trauma which led to this obsession.

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

TIME FOR US TO LOVE EACH OTHER | KNJ FF { ✔ EDITED ✔}Where stories live. Discover now