1. Special one

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„Stay away, Freak!" A boy sneered and with a grunt he pushes the little white-haired girl into a rain puddle. Seeing her white new dress wet and feeling the pain from meeting the hard ground with her small body, she calls out for her father, big crocodile tears in her eyes, but refusing to letting them fall. „Oh sweetheart.. what happened?" Her father spoke softly, picking her up from the ground into his arms. The little white haired girl clutched to her fathers warm knitted Pullover.

„Dad.. am I a freak?" The girl looked up to her father with her grey eyes, awaiting a reply.

Her father didn't hesitate one bit replying „Calling you a freak just means that you're not boring like them. Your gift is something special, just like you." She relaxed a bit from his words before sniffling „I-..It's not a g-..gift! It's a-..a curse!" burying her face into his shoulder, she cried.


„This dream again.. seriously..?" Sitting up in her bed, she rubbed the sand in her eyes away grumpily. Even though that dream had happened in real life years ago, she had changed so much since then. She has gotten quiet, but less sentimental and gotten used to being called a freak from the same boy and his friends, however she still flinched at the word and hated it with all her guts.  Since that had happened, she refused to
tell anyone about her curse ever again.

People thought she was way mature for her age and they thought it was just genetics, but they're wrong. It was because of her having to witness her mother's death and gaining this 'power'.

Her father called it a gift seeing dead people, but Izel saw it as a curse. Seeing dead people like they were normal people wasn't pleasant at all. She was often bothered by them, if they noticed her.

For example yesterday she was shopping in Diagon Alley with her father for her Hogwarts supplies for her first year. She lost her father at some point and wanted to ask someone for the directions to Ollivanders wizarding wand shop. By mistake she picked out the wrong person, a slim and tall men turned around to her upon feeling someone poke his back. He expected it to be a ghost, an already dead person and not an living one. She noticed to late that others could walk through the brown haired man. As the Man had turned around, she noticed him missing an eye, blood had came out of it, already dried though. Immediately he started to question her, bother her and cling to her like chewing gum. Annoyed by that she ignored him easily and continued the search for her father. Things like that happened a lot, that's why she could easily ignore them. If she looked close enough she could see a white-blueish hue around the dead person.

Afterwards in Ollivanders shop, she had gotten her wand. Silver lime, Demiguise fur and Thestral hair, eleven inches, solid and quite bended. Ollivander himself said, that it was quite rare to have two wand cores, and to have Demiguise fur as a wand core. He was quite intrigued by her.

The diagon alley aside from that dead man was really interesting yesterday. She had met Harry Potter, the famous boy who lived. She hadn't noticed him at all first, till she recognised the faces of Lily Potter and James Potter standing behind him. Then she knew that the boy must be Harry Potter, since his dead parents stood side by side with him, watching over him, without him noticing.

She felt sad for the scarred boy, just knowing too best how it felt to loose a parent. She had lost her mother some years ago after all. She didn't greet the boy or asked for an autograph, he had enough attention, that he probably didn't even enjoy, so she just backed off so he wouldn't be bothered by her.

But back to the seeing dead people thing. It had one good thing after all. She could always talk to her mother, even hug her as if she would really be there and not dead. She could also help her Father and Sister communicate with her mum so they would also have something from her so called "gift".

Her Birthday had been weeks before they went to the Diagon Alley, but she had gotten a late Birthday gift from her father, an Owl. Her birthday was on the 28th of June actually. From Luna she had gotten a self-made wristband, it was a little rough and poorly made, but Izel still wore it every single day.

Sighing she stroked over her Owls white and soft feathers. „I didn't gave you a name yet did I..? Hm.. how about marshmallow? No. That's a bit childishly."

„How about Yuna? It means Moon and I believe the Moon is pretty special just like you." A familiar voice spoke.

Upon her startled sudden gasp the snowy Owl flattered scared with her wings. Calming her down, Izel caressed the Owls feathers softly.

Izel smiled „It's a wonderful name, thank you mom. Next time, don't just appear like that, you almost gave me a heart attack."

„Can't help it.. I'm a ghost remember? I'm here to haunt you, Izel~" Her mother joked around laughing.

Izel laughed and looked at the Owl „What do you think? Yuna?" she tested the name out. The Owl hooted in approval of the name, and took an Owl cookie out of Izels hand.



„Izel? Are you awake?" Her father had knocked on her door twice. Upon hearing Izel inviting him in, he opened the door. „Already close with your Owl, are we?" He smiled at the sight of them and Izel gave a small smile back.

„Xeno.." Her mother breathed out happily, upon seeing him again, acting like she didn't just saw him two days ago. Izel looked at her mother, rolling her eyes playfully with a smirk on her face.

Her father smiled as he noticed „Dora is here isn't she?" At Izels nod she looked at the place where Izel looked, trying to look his wife into her face. „Hello, love."

Izel groaned and let herself fall back on her bed „Please not again, don't make me say Soppy stuff again!"

Her mother and father both laughed at the sight of their daughter. „Mother? Are you there?" Another soft voice came from the rooms entrance.

Izel nodded, now sitting up on her bed again to look at her one year younger sister. „I drew this for you, mummy." Luna said, trying to point it into her mothers direction. „This is me, you, dad and Izel, holding hands." She pointed on each person on her paper.

„That's absolutely lovely, my little Luna." Her mother said nearing Luna, to take a closer look at the drawing. „Mom, said it's lovely." Izel said for her Mother.

„Alright my special ones, let's go eat breakfast!" Their father announced grinning and all of them walked downstairs, even their mother. Of course Pandora couldn't eat anything but it was still nice to spend some time with her family.


Hello, thank you for deciding to click on my story. I hope you will like my story and my ideas to it. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language! So if you notice any mistakes, don't be afraid to alarm me about them. If you have tips or any advice, my ears are open. I look forward to learning how to write better. This is only my second attempt at a fanfiction after all. Please forgive me if some characters act uncharacteristic, I didn't write the Harry Potter books and I'm certainly not a J.K. Rowling.

The chapter is shorter then I would like but it's just the beginning! If you have any questions just leave them in the comments.

~Your dear Author

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