3. Hogwarts

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„Yeh'll get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec', jus' round this bend here." The hairy man called out over his shoulder and then there was a loud 'Oooooh' coming from the first years at the sight of Hogwarts infront of them. Izel looked at the vast castle with awe, her eyes sparkling.

„No more'n four to a boat!" The tall man shouted again pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore. Izel walked towards a boat along with three other boys, trying to ignore the people she was seeing again. She knew that they were dead since she saw lots of them excitedly calling out for some of the first years. As she wanted to get into the boat to the other three boys she was being pushed away by a pug looking like girl. Landing on the grassy ground harshly, she glared at the short haired girl. The girl however ignored it, shot her a nasty look and laughed as she began to walk into the boat where the three boys were. The black haired girl clutched herself at one boy who had white hair just like Izel.

Izel heard the girl naming the white haired boy 'Dracy-pooh', ignoring them, she just now noticed the hand outstretched towards her. Taking it the big man helped her up, saying „There yeh go, some nasty little firs' years eh?"

Izel nodded and thanked him before asking embarrassed „sorry, sir, what's your name? I can't keep referring to you as 'bearded man' or 'tall man"

„Rubeus Hagrid, gamekeeper an' keeper o' keys an' grounds o' hogwarts" Hagrid answered her kindly, laughing. „Better search a boat fer yeh now, eh?" He looked around, till he found a boat she could be seated in. Picking the petite girl up without her permission, she set her into a boat, ignoring her shocked look on her face as she was being picked up. Hagrid left into his own boat, before Izel could thank him again despite him picking her up rudely.

„Hello, I'm Dean Thomas, that is Seamus Finnigan and that is Lavender Brown, who are you?" A dark haired boy asked Izel. Izel just now took a closer look at the people in their boat. There was the dark haired boy Dean Thomas, a brown haired girl who had pigtails named Lavender Brown and a brown haired boy named Seamus Finnigan.

„I'm Izel Lovegood." At that Finnigans smile vanished and he had a look of disgust on his face. Izel decided to ignore it and looked at the vast castle with the starry night sky, but Seamus had to speak up. „Your Dad is Xenophilius Lovegood isn't he? My Mom says he is a liar and a lunatic."

„Well, I don't care what your mummy says. She can believe what she want, that old hag..." Izel had hissed and mumbled the last bit, but the boy had seemed to hear it.

„You aren't calling my Mum old hag!" Finnigan shouted and before Izel could realize what's happening, she was being pushed into the dark, black lake. Not being really good at swimming, she tried to swim towards the light, but there was no light. She was already too deep in the dark waters, only the dark surrounding her. She drifted deeper and deeper into the water, but before her consciousness could disappear, slimy long tentacle arms grabbed her slim body and set her safely on her boat. The others backed away from her on their boat as she coughed up water.

„Is she alright? are yeh alright!?" Hagrid sent a worried look behind him. „She is, I believe.." Thomas shouted back and tried to help Izel. Izel however slapped his hand away, angry. Sitting up slowly, she began to shout immediately at Finnigan „ARE YOU THAT DAFT!? I COULD HAVE DIED! YOU STUPID...- SON OF A BITCH!"

Everyone gasped at her outburst, even Hagrid, everyone was sure that all teachers and students in Hogwarts heard her, which was not true.

The rest of the ride, it was quiet. Very quiet, till it wasn't anymore.
„Well..err.. look kids we are at Hogwarts!" Hagrid chuckled nervously as he tried to lighten up the mood. All of the first years stopped looking at the drenched Izel and looked at the Hogwarts castle right in front of them in awe, expect Izel, she still glared at Finnigan.

𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕤 𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣.Where stories live. Discover now