2. Platform 9¾

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Arriving at the train station, Izel pushed her trolley, with her belongings on it forward. Luna walked in the middle of Izel and their father, holding dads hand. Izel looked around, trying to find the platform 9¾, but she could only manage to find the big plastic numbers 9 and 10 over their platforms. Seeing her confused look, their white to gray haired father led them towards the barrier between the platforms 9 and 10. As their father gestured towards the barrier, his daughters send him confused looks.

Their father only laughed and walked through the barrier, dragging Luna with him. „Well... That's clever" Izel shrugged and walked through it, but with a shocked and amazed sparkle in her eyes.

„Come on my special one, the train is leaving soon." Their father urged Izel towards the big red train, melancholic. Going down on Izel's level, letting go off Luna's hand, he put them on both sides of Izels face, kissing her head. „See you, next Holiday. I'll miss you."

Izel had tears in her eyes, refusing to let them fall, she asked her dad with a broken voice, showing her sentimental side after many years, „What about the curse..? You won't be there, if someone finds out.."

„Izel.. my special one, it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter if they think you're a freak,-" Izel's body twitched at the word, but she continued to listen. „-a lunatic or even crazy. Because you know the best people..-"

„..are the craziest ones.. I know Dad.. thank you." Izel automatically completed the quote.

Luna came up to hug her as their Dad let go off Izel. „Don't listen to them, so what if we are lunatics, atleast we are lunatics together." She whispered into Izel's ear with her dreamy and dazed voice. Izel smiled at that, hugging Luna tight, remembering how Luna was being treated badly from the other kids at their home too, calling her loony.

The train whistled blowing out thick plumes of white smoke, gaining the white haired family's attention.

„You gotta hurry, the train is leaving soon, my dear."

Izel hugged her family goodbye, grabbed her belongings, that being her trunk and the cage from Yuna and sped off to the train. Quickly finding a Compartment, she didn't bother to put away her belongings, but to rather open the window and wave her family goodbye. The train started to move, her father followed and shouted as the train slowly started to drive away. „Don't worry, my special one! Everything is going to be alright!"

Smiling, Izel waved till her father fell back as the train gathered to much speed. Closing the Window of her Compartment she was in, she put away her trunk and let Yuna out of her cage. The white Owl chirped delighted and demanded pets, by coming closer and rubbing her head against Izel's hand. Izel reached out towards the Owls body and pet her softly, the Owl letting out a delighted chirp again.

After a while she eventually feel asleep and so did the Owl against her hand.


Due to her Compartment door sliding open, she was being disrupted of her sleep along with Yuna. Yuna hooted appalled, glaring at the disturbance.

The bushy brown haired girl already opened her mouth to speak, but Izel glared at her, interrupting her. „Don't you know how to knock? Geez.."

„Well.. sorry." The unknown girl said unbothered and continued to speak in a bossy sort of voice. „Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one."

„I haven't. Can you leave now? I was trying to sleep along with Yuna before you interrupted us." Izel tried to respond nicely, but seeing the glare on the girls face, she noticed that it didn't work at all.

The girl with the rather large front teeth, shut the compartment door loudly and stomped away. Yuna flapped her wings in fright, but Izel calmed her down as she began stroking over her white feathers again. The white feathered owl closed her eyes in enjoyment.

After some hours again, Izel had read a school book in those hours while stroking Yuna, the Owl looked at Izels trunk pointedly. „Right, thank you. I have to put on my robes, the train is surely there soon."


After she had put on her robes, she only had to wait another hour and the train stopped. Without Izel having to say something, Yuna flew into her cage closing it herself, for that she received a 'good girl' from Izel. She left her trunk and Yuna in her compartment since her father had told her that it would magically appear in her dorm room.

Getting off the train, she heard a voice shout „Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here!" Izel looked towards the voice and saw a big bearded man with a lamb in his hands. Walking to him like the rest of the first years, she just now noticed how big he really was, mouth dropping she stared at him in disbelief. 'how could someone get that tall!?'

Clasping her mouth shut, she listened to what the big man is saying. „C'mon, follow me... any more firs'-years? Mind yer step, now! Firs'-years follow me!"

Slipping and stumbling because of the darkness she followed the bearded man like the rest of the students down what seemed to be a steep, narrow path.

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