30. Valencia

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„So I've heard the little freak got herself petrified, huh?" Mullins laughed.

„Shut up, you twit. Go bother someone your own size." Charles towered over him menacingly, but while that seemed to intimidate Mullins, that didn't seem to stop Malfoy.

„How's her lunatic sister faring? Crying her eyes out about her poor sister?"

„I think you should really zip it about now, before we're about to show you what happens otherwise." Angelica threatened, her hand hovering over her wand.

Valencia stayed quiet, but she did look quite pale.

„Wait till I tell my father about this and your parents won't have any jobs anymore!" Malfoy threatened.

„Go tell your death-eater daddy, you wimp." Charles retorted pissed.

„Actually I won't have to. You know why, because we can finish you off on our own."

„Oh, and you're so sure about that, are you? What do you want to do, bite our ankles like the ratty dogs you lot are?" Angelica mocked the four.

„You're lucky your little freak didn't die, because she should have." Mullins changed the topic.

„Shut up!" Valencia shouted and punched Mullins in his face. „Shit. Shit. Shit." She mumbled, while looking at her trembling blood-stained hand. She took one look around her and saw students staring at her horrified. Quickly she turned on her heel and ran.

Mullins fell to the ground, holding his bloody nose in agony.

Charles and Angelica immediately turned on their heel and went after her, ignoring Professor McGonagall calling after them.

They ended up finding her outside on a bench, sobbing into her hands.

Charles and Angelica slowed their pace, afraid she might run away again.

„Valencia." Angelica spoke softly and sat herself down beside her. „What's wrong? What happened back there?" She asked, her hand on her shoulder as an attempt to comfort the chubby girl.

Charles stood in front of Valencia and bent down to be face-to-face with his cousin.

„I-" Valencia sniffled, „I don't know- I just- just got so angry!" She took her hands off of her face and wiped her tears away, but new ones began rolling down her cheeks already. „He just wouldn't stop talking, and- and I don't know, I just had enough."

„He deserved it." Charles spoke nonchalantly. Angelica kicked him in the knee, resulting in him losing his balance and falling onto his back.

„Is he okay?" Valencia asked, turning her head to face Angelica.

„He seems okay to me." Angelica gazed at Charles, who got up again while glaring at her.

„No, not him. I- I mean Mullins."

„Why do you care? He's an arse." Charles spoke, now face-to-face with Valencia again.

Angelica glared at Charles for a moment, till she turned back to Valencia again. „We didn't stay long enough to find out, but he'll be alright." She shrugged.

„Miss Alderidge what were you thinking? Attacking a student, one a year under you as well! I have informed your head of house and she wants you to meet her in her office." Professor McGonagall appeared.

„She didn't mean to and they started it!" Charles protested.

„It doesn't matter who started what, to Professor Sprouts office now!"

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