10. Practicing and a Dragon egg

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(A/N: That's what her magic looks like)

Upon waking up, she grinned as she reminded herself off the prank they did yesterday. She was so excited to go the great hall and see Mullins. Running down the stairs, fully dressed, she walked into the Great Hall for Breakfast along with the others. There students shot weird looks towards someone. Looking the way they did, she almost burst out in laughter to see Mullins without his hair. She wished Regulus could be here to see this. Fred and George joined her side and grinned at the sight. Izel walked over to the Slytherins table where he sat and smirked at him.

„Nice hair, Mullins." She laughed, even some of the Slytherin table laughed. A look of terror crossed his face and he took his goblet in his hand to look at his reflection in it. He shrieked and let the golden goblet fall, spilling the pumpkin juice. He ran out of the Great Hall and Izel only thought one thing with a dark look on her face.

I told you, you regret it if you do something to my family.

„Miss Lovegood, are you the cause of this?" Professor Snapes blunt voice sounded behind her, making her jump in fright.

Turning around, she smiled at her Professor innocently. „No, sir."

He arched his eyebrow and opened his mouth already to possibly take points from her house, but another voice interrupted him from speaking.

„Well, Severus. If my student says she was not the cause of this, so be it. You have no prove to deduct points from my house." Professor McGonagall had appeared beside the black-haired Professor. Making Izel breath out in relieve, she hadn't realised she had hold her breath. Professor Snape's mouth turned into a sneer and he gave Izel a warning glare, before turning around and walking away, his cloak swayed dramatically.

The gaze of the strict Professor wandered towards Izel, which made Izel gulp. „Follow me to my Office, please, Miss Lovegood."


Professor McGonagall had sat herself already on her chair behind her desk. On the desk was a cup of tea with a plate of biscuits.

Izel sat herself down on the chair that was standing opposite to the Professor.

„Professor, I-"

„Take a biscuit, Miss Lovegood."

„Wha- I am afraid I misunderstood you, Professor." Izel blinked confused at her Head of House.

„You didn't. Take a biscuit."

Izel looked at the biscuits suspicious, afraid that there was Veritaserum inside. She took one anyway and took a bit, only to notice that there was in fact nothing unusual inside. And it tasted very good.

Was it possible the professor heard of Mullins hurting her cat? And since Professor McGonagall could turn into a cat, she did not take it well?


At Afternoon, Izel sat completely alone in the Astronomy Tower. All students, she would bet, where at Quidditch, except her. Not being too fond of Quidditch, she decided to leave the match out and read the book Luna had gifted her. It was a perfect opportunity, due to all students and professors being at the Quidditch pitch. Regulus was with her, laying on the ground, cleaning himself.

Opening the book to the first chapter, she read.

Chapter one: Elements

The ancient Witches and Wizards believed that there were four elements that everything was made up of: earth, water, air, and fire.

The elements were "pure" but could not be found in that state on earth. Every visible thing was made up of some combination of earth, water, air, and fire.

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