23. The Anticipated first private lesson

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Wednesday had finally came and apart from some boring lessons like history of  magic, Monday and Tuesday had been quite fun.

She hung out more with Charles, Valencia and Angelica, who had realised which house they were fraternising with.

Of course she hung out with Luna as well, she wasn't going to abandon her, just because she found new friends, like the twins had done to her.

Charles and Angelica were in Slytherin, while Valencia was in Hufflepuff. They got weird looks sure, it's not every day you see Slytherins hang out with someone from Gryffindor. Izel didn't mind that they were Slytherins, and they didn't mind that she was a Gryffindor, they did tell her though that she seemed like a true Slytherin at heart. Which reminded her of the words the sorting hat had said to her, the day of the sorting.

You would be a great addition to Slytherin.. yes, yes.

You could achieve great things in Gryffindor

What did he mean with achieving great things in Gryffindor, he couldn't mean protecting Harry, could he?

Before she could ponder about it longer, she was snapped out of her mind by Professor Snape. It was her last lesson for the day, potions.

„Miss Lovegood." He drawled, „I suggest paying attention, instead of dwindling in your ridiculous daydreamings."

Like the teacher pets they are, the Slytherins from her year laughed.

Izel nodded, leaving it unremarked, which was a wonder for the others, usually when a teacher would scold her, a snarky remark was shot right back at them. Was it just that Professor Snape had more authority, or something else? Unknowledgeable to the others it was something else. Izel was too excited for her first private lesson and since it was with the Professor standing in front of her, she didn't look forward to already fighting with him.

She honestly just wanted to get this lesson over with, she's been dreading the private lesson all day, every lesson, hoping the lessons would go by quicker, every time.

As Professor Snape continued the lesson, she couldn't help but find herself daydreaming again.

About Neville this time, who was seated next to her, avoiding her gaze. There was no other seat left when Neville came into the Potions Classroom, since he had just barely arrived before the lesson started. He had no other choice but to take the last seat available.

Charles, Valencia and Angelica had urged her to finally confess to him. Speaking of them again, Valencia had come up with a name for the four of them, which Angelica then translated into french. Izel just then learned that Angelica was able to speak the language.

It was Anarchique which translates to Anarchical. Valencia put it together through some of the letters from all their names, the English version only though.

Lawless, pretty fitting, if you'd ask her.

But back to Neville. She had prepared a small letter, asking him to meet her just shortly before Dinner in the common room.

Izel knew she would have to hurry, since her private lesson would end shortly before Dinner as well.

And after Dinner they would be others in the common room, so she didn't want to risk it.

Quickly she passed the note to him when Professor Snape wasn't looking.

She felt enthralled of finally having done it, she didn't think she would have been able to if it hadn't been for the others from Archie; short for Anarchique. Something Charles came up with, surprisingly..

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