22. Sneaking into Hogsmeade

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(A/N: picture above is not mine! Credits go to the artist)

(PS; A/N: AAAH, thank you so much for 2K reads and all the votes!!!)

Since yesterday Izel had been dying to finally have her first private lesson, even though it was going to be with Professor Snape. She deeply wanted to be able to control her powers to the fullest and not feel helpless every time she would need it.

Anyway, today the trio of the new friends of hers had approached her, and invited her to hang out with them in Hogsmeade. Izel had asked them how she would be able to do so, since she wasn't even a third year yet, but they assured her that they had a way. She was supposed to meet up with them at a witch statue, which only had one-eye, hence the name 'the one-eyed witch statue', that is located on the third-floor corridor, left of a classroom. Why? She couldn't fathom.

Of course, as always, she took Regulus with her. She didn't have a choice anyway, not that she'd mind. The only time he stayed holed up in her room was when pets weren't allowed to go along to lessons or the great hall.

It was after breakfast when she made her way to the third-floor corridor, most of the students that were allowed to visit Hogsmeade, meaning third-years up to seventh-years, were going as well, but an other way, the right and 'behaved' way. Not that Izel knew.

As she turned a corner, she could already make out three persons. She recognised Charles blondish hair, Angelicas smirk and Valencias bright smile.

Valencia was the first to spot her and started waving at her frantically on tiptoes.

„Over here! Over here, Izel!!" She shouted, recieving a loud shush from Charles.

„Yeah, I can see you and hear you.. who wouldn't with your frantic moves..." Izel mumbled under her breath, but couldn't resist a small smile.

Izel waved slighty back and reached the three at last.

„Hiya, excited?" Angelica asked, grinning.

„Not really, I don't even know how you plan to get to Hogsmeade from here." Izel shrugged and turned her head slightly, to see Valencia rub Regulus' back.

„Careful he won't like that." She warned, as Valencia stroke over Regulus' tail. Valencia managed to move her hand just in time as he struck out with his extended claws.

„Oh, thanks." Valencia turned to Regulus again and moved her hand towards his head, „Sorry, kitty."

As if accepting her apology he led her stroke his head, purring.

„Uh, what was the password again Val?" Charles scratched his head in effort to remember.

„Password?" Izel mumbled, the others unable to hear.

Valencia rolled her eyes, „Dissendium."

With that, the hump of the statue of the witch opened.

„Aww, I wanted to say it!" Charles pouted.

„How did you want me to tell you without triggering it, huh? Dumbnut." Valencia shook her head at her cousin.

„Don't call me Dumbnut, Dumbnut!" He bickered, but before it could continue, Angelica stepped in.

„Stop it you two, this one time. I thought you wanted to get to Hogsmeade in time before the honey pops sold out again, hmm Charles?"

„Fine, but just because their my favourite I let it slide!" With that he turned to Izel, who had taken their distraction as a chance to take a look at the opening.

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