25. First Kiss and Ginny

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Hours after, someone shook her awake. It was Luna, who wore new clothes, since the others got ripped at the transformation.

„Come one or we're going to be late to breakfast. I'm starving!" Luna complained in a chipper tone. Izel took a look at her sister and saw she was pretending. There were huge eyebags on her face like the days before the full moon, pale face and slightly shaking hands, due to not eating or drinking a lot the last days. One thing was different though, she actually wanted to eat something this time.

Izel being still quite tired, sprung up, grabbed her bag and started walking towards the castle. „What are you standing around for, come on?" She joked, being in a good mood. She was glad that her sister was finally going to have a full stomach again. She also didn't know how long her hunger was going to last for. It could be totally different tomorrow, if the transformations effects were to catch up to her.

Luna waited outside of Izel's dorm while Izel got ready fast. She did not want to enter the great hall in her state. Her hair was messy, a bunch of leaves and a few branches in it, her clothes dirty from sitting on the ground.

Just as she stepped out of her dorm all clean, her little sister immediately grabbed her hand and dragged her with her.

Izel caught up to her and matched her pace, so Luna wouldn't exhaust herself by dragging her.

Finally having arrived at the great hall, they entered through the large double doors. Some students gazed at them, but the majority didn't seem to care.

From the end of the Gryffindor table, Ginny and Neville waved to the two. Izel could have sat with Anarchique as well, but she definitely wasn't welcome at the Slytherin table. They knew that as well, so they weren't mad about it.

„Why are you friends with them?" Ron grumbled.

Izel rolled her eyes as they both neared their two friends.

„Becauseee, Carrot." Ginny playfully rolled her eyes, „Now, move. She's way cooler than you."

Ron obliged, thrown off by the nickname that his little sister had no doubt from the bigger loony lovegood.

Luna seated herself in between Ginny and Neville, Izel sitting down beside her.

„Hi." Izel awkwardly smiled at Neville and took his hand into hers reluctantly. He smiled back, clasping his hand properly around hers.

Ginny and Luna wiggled their eyebrows amusedly at eachother, giggling soon after.

While Luna stuffed her plate with mostly meat, Izel took a Sandwhich. Ginny and Neville seemed to have already eaten.

Izel suddenly felt stared at and moved her head to see the red-haired twins glare at her from the middle of the gryffindor Table.

Izel waved at them, putting on a noticeable fake smile, mocking them. From waving her hand, she switched to showing them her middle-finger, glaring daggers right back at them. The twins rolled their eyes and stared at their food again.

'bloody annoying those two.'

While Luna was stuffing her face, Neville turned to Izel, „I-I was wondering whether you wanted to go to the black lake with me tomorrow..."

Izel had almost nodded, till she realised that tomorrow was Wednesday, which meant another private lesson.

„Oh, I'm sorry, Nev." Quickly Izel made up a lie in her mind, „I-I already promised... I promised Angelica to help her out with something.."

„I could come with." Neville smiled.

„Err- It's a girl thing.. sorry."

„That's alright, next time then." He blushed and gazed at his empty plate. Izel worried that he was angry or just sad, but she settled for embarrassed.

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