11. Detention

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After weeks, Izel only had seen Hagrid one time but no more, since she had really wanted to see the hatched dragon. She feared off having to be with the trio, especially Granger. She spent her weeks with Neville, studying for their lessons. She merely found any time to practice her weird power, due to the lots of school work the teachers gave them.

But this day, she had found time. She didn't had to do any school work till the night, so she decided to go up to the Astronomy tower, where rarely anyone was at night. She just had to make sure, she would be in her dorm before it was after curfew.

So again she sat herself on the cold ground along with Regulus, who was facing the starry night sky, while laying down.

She had the book, Luna gifted her, open, so she wouldn't do the meditation wrong.

She closed her eyes and did as all the times before. This time, she didn't get frustrated that easily. After some hours however, she couldn't keep her anger anymore and she frustratingly shut the book and stood up. She walked back and forth, talking to herself.

„Why won't this work! I know, I know the book told me to be patient but-" She stopped talking to let out a shriek, as her mother appeared in front of her, making her stop walking. „Mom? I haven't seen you since Christmas holidays.. why didn't you visit me?"

Regulus had came over from his sitting spot and tried to paw at Pandora, but just as before it went through her.

„Oh, I-.. well it doesn't matter, I am here now, aren't I?" Pandora smile as she laid her hand on Izels shoulder. „I see you've been practicing?" She said looking at the book.

Izels eyes opened wide and her mouth gaped open, „you knew?!"

„Yes. I was with you as the troll almost killed you. I didn't know what I did but I touched your shoulder, giving you my energy and strength. With that I unleashed that power that was emerging out of your hands. I don't quite know how to describe it, what do you call it?" Pandora stated smiling at Regulus, who was still trying to paw at her.

„Well.. I never thought about it, since I don't know why I have those powers and where they are coming from." Izel rubbed her neck in thought, her power did look ghosty, so maybe it had something to do with her ability to see dead people.

„I believe I do know, while I was away, I was thinking about it a lot. I was trying to figure it out. Eventually I did, which is one of the reasons I came to you now." Pandora stated as she looked at her daughter in an inspecting way. „It has something to do with your ability to see the dead. I would call it ghost magic. When I touched you and gave you my power and strength, I must have triggered it. You had this ghost magic in you since the accident, but it never showed itself, since that moment your life was in danger and I triggered it. I believe this ghost magic comes from the dead. You take that power from them, sometimes from yourself. You see, it's stronger when given or taken from dead persons, if taken from yourself it's weaker."

Izel drifted off, thinking about it and she remembered as Regulus was hurt from Mullins. She just now realized what had happened as her hands suddenly started to burn. Things had stroked against her legs. As she further thought about it, she remembered just now that those things were actually dead cats. Those dead cats had been wanting to help a fellow cat. They knew about her and her power, so they tried to trigger her ghost magic.

„Not just people." Izel shook her head, „Animals too, probably all dead beings." Due to Pandora's questioning look she explained, „Cats..- dead cats, stroked against my legs and triggered my ghost magic in the train, when Mullins hurt Regulus. They wanted to help him."

„I understand.." Pandora nodded deep in thought. After some seconds of silence, she spoke again. „In order to conjure your ghost magic, when taken from yourself, you have to focus on that. You have to focus on drawing this power from yourself. But, careful. If you draw to much, you will eventually kill yourself or drain yourself so much that you fall unconscious or even land in a coma."

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