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Was I doing the right thing?

Probably not.

Let's start at the beginning.

Hello, my name is Lyra Stark and I am 25 years old. I live in New York, America. I used to live, actually.

I've decided to move to London, to clear my head and look for new job opportunities.

It's not like I've had an easy life, so I'm trying to renew myself and start from scratch.

What 25-year-old girl would think of running away on her own? Me.

When I got off the plane, I decided to talk to Mycroft.

I'm here, what do I do?

A black car is waiting for you at the door

I walked to collect my things, deep in thought.


-Hey, where are the others? - I asked my partner in anguish.

-We've got to get out of here now, you know they're coming for you!

-But we can't leave them! - Now I was really scared.

-You know exactly what happens if you get caught! You have to run!


The following years were very hard.

I lost contact with everyone, I never heard from them again. And now, Mycroft has let me live in London.

It all started when my father (a very important engineer) got into some weird trouble with the government, causing his group of "co-workers" to split up. It's a bit of a long story. What was the problem?

I was on the opposite side. Against my father. That's why I had to run away.


-I can't be controlled by the government! -You know perfectly well what would happen if I sign those agreements! - I was screaming at my father.

-Olivia, please...

-I refuse. And you know it. - I stormed out of the room.


I decided to contact an old childhood friend, the current "British government". I knew he would understand and give me a solution, having worked for him for so many years. His mother was a great mathematician and engineer who used to meet my father for projects, they were very good friends. Unsurprisingly, his children and I became great friends.

Mycroft was the oldest. I remember he always looked after me, we played together despite the age difference. His sister, Eurus. I remember her. She was a special girl, a bit "weird", very intelligent and curious. Sometimes I played with her, deep down she was nice. She always told me that she felt good with me because I wasn't boring, and she said I understood her. Deep down I miss her. And Sherlock, the little one. I used to play pirates with him, he seemed to be the most normal, only all the brothers shared an impressive deductive ability, which I also possessed (for other reasons).  Sherlock used to get angry when he saw that I was better than him, it was funny.

It all happened quickly, I distanced myself from Eurus and Mycroft when she was committed.

The problem is that then I was committed.

I was deep in thought, when I felt someone bump into me.

-Excuse me! Are you all right? - I asked, looking at the person I had bumped into. Surprisingly, it was a familiar face.

-It's OK, I'm fin... Liv? - I recognised that Irish accent.

-James! You've grown! You're not so short anymore. - I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. - How are you doing? Did you finish school?

Let me put you in the picture.

It turns out that when I was about 12 years old, my father sent me to study in Ireland. I went to a prestigious boarding school for five years, to see if they could get a grip on... My skills? Yeah, let's leave it at skills.

That's where I met Jim. We became fast friends, both of us rejected by the other kids because of our intelligence and bad ideas.

We were certainly no saints. He used to be more reckless than me, but we were still special. Jim was fascinated by my "powers Jim was fascinated by my "powers", while people were scared of them. So we developed a beautiful friendship, until one day my father said that to protect me, he had to take me back to America. I never saw him again.

My friendships never end well, although I think I'm starting to get them back.

-You'll always be the short one! - he said mockingly. - Where have you been? I've missed you so much, I still can't believe you're here!  - he asked.

-My father took me to America, but now he's had some trouble with the government and I've decided to run away to live in London.

-You're going to live here? - he looked surprised. - After all these years... - He had a melancholy gleam in his eyes, not very usual for him. - I missed you. Where do you plan to live?

-A friend of mine has found me a nice flat in central London, on Baker Street. - James's face paled. - 221B.

-Ah... - It was weird. - I've got to go, I've got a flight to catch. Take my phone, call me soon this week and we'll go out for a drink. When you get settled and arrive, text me to let me know you're okay. If you need anything, you know. - She gave me her number on a piece of paper, and hugged me. - Bye, Liv.

He waved goodbye and went on his way until I lost sight of him. He had always been a cold man, too much so to give me a hug.

I left the airport after getting my bags. There I saw a large, luxurious black car, which I assumed was mine.

A well-dressed man got out of the car, and opened the door inviting me in. I got into the car in silence, until we reached Baker Street. Mycroft was waiting for me at the door.

I got out of the car, helped the chauffeur unload my bags and approached Mycroft.

-Welcome to London. - He said. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

Despite being the British government himself and the coldest person in England, I had to admit that I had a lot of confidence in him. I had worked for the government for many years in one way or another, I was their best agent (despite my young age) and I had known him since I was a child. He always protected me from everything, and I am very grateful to him.

-It's good to see you again. - I said smiling. Deep down I had missed him, and he knew it.

-I'm glad to see you again. I've spoken to Lestrade, you'll be working with them for a while, and when you're under the radar you can join the government. - He said a little more seriously.

-What about Sherlock? - I asked.

-I forgot to tell you that you'll be living with him, I hope you don't mind. He can be a bit irritating, but I know you'll be able to control him. - He grabbed my shoulders. - And don't say a word about Eurus, ever.

-Okay... But is she all right? - I hadn't seen her for so long, I missed her.

-She asks for you a lot, you seem to be the only person who's gotten her affection. I'll let you see her soon. - She broke away from me and knocked on the door.


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