1. A Little Out Of The Ordinary

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No. 1 - A Little Out Of The Ordinary

Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | "This wasn't supposed to happen"

This wasn't supposed to happen.

Frankly, none of the things that go wrong for them were ever supposed to happen, or at least not if they weren't one of the gone wrongs that was scripted to happen. But this.... This was absolutely not supposed to happen. All the safety measures had been in place to make sure nothing like this would happen.

But it did happen, and Richard isn't sure what to do.

He's not used to being on the sidelines when something goes wrong, usually he's a part of what's gone wrong. Well, he's been on the sidelines a couple times during accidents that he's not been a part of like when James has had his fair few, like when he hit his head in Syria, and when he fell off the horse in Argentina. Then the couple crashes James has had more recently during the filming of one of their latest Grand Tour specials....

Still doesn't make him used to it though. He's binned it many more times than James has, and certainly more than Jeremy.

This time however, it's Jeremy that's binned it. Who in all the twenty years they've spent working alongside one another, has never really had any serious injuries, just a few minor, silly, and scripted ones.

But now... now it seems that Jeremy has fallen victim to a more serious injury, and Richard has no idea what to think, except that it should be him in that mangled car, for no other reason than him being the one that gets into the serious crashes. That's his role. He's the accident prone little midget, not Jeremy.

He's vaguely aware of James standing next to him, or behind him, holding him back from getting too close to the wreckage as the paramedics get Jeremy out of the car. He wasn't even aware he was trying to move closer to Jeremy in the first place, mind elsewhere as he stares at the wreckage with thoughts that he probably shouldn't be having.

Thoughts that it should be him in that car, not Jeremy. And that he might lose one of his closest friends and occasional lover.

For all the times they annoy the shit out of each other and act like they hate each other, none of them want to see the other badly hurt.

Or worse, dead.


Richard sits close to Jeremy's hospital bed, refusing to leave the older man's side. He's not woken up again yet, but thankfully he's still alive and hasn't suffered any major life threatening injuries. Just a bump on the head, a couple broken ribs and a broken leg.

The accident definitely looked bad, but luckily Jeremy managed to make it out alive. But it could've been so much worse.

Although the fact that he's not woken up yet is a little concerning. But he'd been taken in for a brain scan as soon as they got here and there doesn't appear to be anything wrong.

Though, considering he was awake earlier when they got here, and for a bit after being seen to, there's likely nothing to be worried about. And that it can all just be chalked up to the pain meds being the reason he's not woken again for a couple hours.

Richard knows that he's very likely just being paranoid that something else is going to go wrong, and it's likely not an issue that he's not woken up again just yet due to the meds he'd been administered.

But there's still that nagging fear in the back of his mind that Jeremy's condition is so much worse than it looks, and that he's suffered some brain damage. And Richard knows first hand how bad that can be, and he doesn't want Jeremy to have to go through any of that.

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