8. Everything Hurts And I'm Dying

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No. 8 - Everything Hurts And I'm Dying

Stomach Pain | Head Trauma | Back from the Dead

Everything hurts, and it almost feels like he might be dying. His stomach hurts, and his head hurts, so damn much, and he doesn't remember what the fuck happened or where the hell he is.

He can hear people talking around him, but he can't quite pick out any of the voices and who they belong to. However, through his fuzzy vision, he can tell none of them are James or Jeremy. Not when he can vaguely see James lying on the floor motionless across from him, and Jeremy is on the floor next to him, also motionless and unmoving.

How the fuck did the three of them get themselves into this mess? And why does he hurt so much? And as his vision slowly starts to improve along with his awareness, is that a pool of blood James is lying in? And is James chained up?

Just what the fuck happened? And why does James appear to be the only one out of the three of them chained up and covered in blood?

Struggling to lift his head up, he looks around, finding a bunch of robed individuals standing around them. And somehow, he's not even sure how, but he gets a very bad feeling that none of them are human.

For some reason, they all seem incredibly interested in James, while seemingly not taking much notice of himself or Jeremy. Almost like they don't notice that they're even there, or just don't care about them. At least until one of them looks his way.

"The little one is awake." The robed individual says, causing more eyes to look his way.

Richard flinches under their gaze, trying not to let out a pained whimper as even the slightest movement disrupts the pain in his stomach. A pain that he really doesn't know the cause of, nor the pain in his head.

Though he supposes the pain in his head could just be a headache. He still gets them pretty frequently as a result of the crash. Wouldn't surprise him if he's just got one of his random headaches right now, a lingering side effect of the dragster crash. Then again, he could've very easily been hit hard over the head.

As one of them walks over to him, he attempts to shuffle back away from them, but he knocks right into Jeremy, who frighteningly doesn't react in any way, just lies there on his side on the cold concrete floor. Which terrifies Richard. He doesn't know if Jeremy is even still alive or dead, and he has a sinking feeling that James is dead, judging by the amount of blood surrounding and covering him (he's still confused about the chains though and why James is the only one with them).

"Let me go!" He shouts as one of them grabs onto his arm, dragging him along the ground with a force that's decidedly not human.

He tries to break free, kicking and screaming, but his efforts prove to be quite useless. Especially with how awful he's feeling right now, and he lets out a pained cry as he's dropped hard onto the floor next to James, where he gets a good look at the state of one of his closest friends.

James's throat has been slashed and he's absolutely covered in blood. His blue eyes dead and glazed over, and his skin deathly pale.

It's just as he had feared. James is dead.

Letting out a sob, he pulls James close, and hugs him tight, refusing to let go. Even when his entire body screams at the action, too hurt and possibly broken. But he doesn't care about his well being, doesn't care about the pain in his stomach or his head. All he cares about is James.

How did all of this happen? How did they end up here, with James dead, Jeremy quite possibly dead too, and him hurting so much that it nearly feels like he's dying? (Well, in truth he might be exaggerating a little when he says it feels like he's dying....)

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