7. The Way You Shake And Shiver

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No. 7 - The Way You Shake And Shiver

Shaking Hands | Seizures | Silent Panic Attack

He's not sure what went wrong, but something clearly did, and now he doesn't know what to do as panic sets in and his hands begin to shake. He sits frozen in his seat except for his hands shaking on the wheel, and his whole body shivering.

They're on Bolivia's death road, and the front of his car has gone over the edge of the road. He's not even sure what is keeping his little Suzuki's back end on the cliff, but he's sure glad that there's something seemingly wedged under it or preventing the back wheels from rolling off the edge, causing him to go over.

Jeremy and Richard are yelling on the walkie, but he doesn't dare move to answer them. Terrified that any sudden movement may cause the car to go tumbling over the edge. And he doesn't want that. It's a long drop below, and fuck, even just thinking it hightens his panic.


He can hear both Jeremy and Richard shouting now, more clearly than just over the walkie. Must be outside his car, figuring out a way to help. To safely get the car back onto solid ground away from the cliff face without causing it to fall.

But in his panic, James isn't sure what they can possibly do to help.

Clear thought is escaping him right now as he tries not to move. He doesn't even call back to his colleagues. Can't do anything, but grip the steering wheel with shaking hands as he begins to find it hard to breathe.

He's panicing, and he has no fucking clue what the hell to do now.

It's a long drop, and his fear of heights definitely isn't helping here at all. Not when he knows that if his car goes over, he's dead. Absolutely dead if the car plummets down the cliff to the rocks and the trees below.

This was already rather risky deciding to drive this road, and now the risk factor has just heightened.

Outside the car, Richard and Jeremy are busy hooking the winch up to Jeremy's Land Rover so they can pull James back up before he goes over. And they need to move fast. While there seems to be something preventing the car from fully going over, they're not sure how long it's going to hold.

However, as they're hooking everything up, Richard is the first to notice the Stig standing off away from them far enough to not be seen on camera (because he's not supposed to be here), with an arm extended out towards James's car. This causes Richard to relax a little, finding out the source of what's preventing James from going over the edge. It's the Stig, using whatever telekinesis power he has to hold James in place while they get everything sorted as quickly as possible to pull him back onto solid ground.

"Jez." Richard says, getting his attention, and indicating over towards where the Stig is.

Jeremy looks, relaxing a little as he spots the Stig, before getting back to the job at hand.

They can't mention that the Stig is there. Not allowed to show the Stig using his abilities at all on camera. Part of the rules they were given when the Stig first showed up from wherever the hell it was he came from. They have to rescue James themselves, even if it would be easier for the Stig to just do it. But at least the Stig can still help out of sight off camera.

So knowing that the Stig is not far off, giving them as much help as he can, they set to work getting James away from the cliff safely. With Jeremy getting into his Land Rover to pull James's Suzuki back, while Richard stands back out of the way, and internally panics as rocks start to fall off the cliff from under James's car, worried that it still might end up going over if they're not careful. Even if the Stig is keeping the car from falling.

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