13. Can't Make An Omelette Without Breaking A Few Legs

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This one is based on this Cool Wall segment from series 13 episode 7.

Anyway, enjoy!

~ Candy


No. 13 - Can't Make An Omelette Without Breaking A Few Legs

Fracture | Dislocation | "Are you here to break me out?"

"Can I come down now?" Richard asks, leaning over the side railing of the scissor lift.

"Nnno." Jeremy says, dragging out his reply, as he watches as Richard stands a little too close to the edge, right on the opening side of the lift between the railings (which means one wrong step, and he's going over the edge).

Because no, Richard cannot come down off the scissor lift yet. Not before they've done the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car bit and he's introduced the final film while stuck up on the lift anyway, so until then, Richard has to be stuck up there.

Not that it's much of an issue, really. It's quite nice down here on the ground without the irritating little shortarse. Jeremy would be very happy to leave Richard up there for the remainder of the show like what's on the script, and he's sure that James would too.

Although, with Richard's slight fear of heights (though nowhere near as bad as James's fear), he does feel a little bad about just leaving him up there. But it's what's in the script, and while they were going over everything with their script writer, Richard Porter, Richard was happy to do it - and to improvise a lot of it since their scripts are more guidelines than anything, really.

Moving to go off to start off the next segment, Jeremy leaves Richard stranded up on the scissor lift. Although, just as he's about to move away, his attention is brought right back to Richard, as the little idiot appears to have started to climb down the side of the lift....

"Hammond... what are you doing?" He asks, beginning to grow a little worried as Richard climbs down.

He doesn't like this.

This wasn't part of the script, and knowing Richard, the stupid Brummie is no doubt going to end up hurting himself. And for as much as they pretend to hate each other for the cameras, Jeremy doesn't want to see Richard get hurt again.

"Improvising!" Richard says. "You won't let me down, so I'm getting myself down!"

Oh, god....

"No, Richard, stop!" Jeremy says, making his way back over to the lift. "You're going to hurt yourself, you blithering idiot!"

"I'm not going to-" Richard starts, but is cut off as he appears to lose his footing, and falls to the hard concrete floor.

And judging by how hard he hit the ground on his left side, Jeremy thinks it's quite likely that Richard may have broken something. He's just glad Richard didn't hit his head in the fall.

There's a lot of shouting, as Jeremy rushes to Richard's side, yelling at the audience to back up out of the way as some of them try to get close.

"Don't you dare say 'I told you so', Jeremy." Richard groans, attempting to sit up, but he falls back with a shout of pain.

Jeremy isn't going to do that. Not after he's very clearly hurt. If Richard wasn't hurt in the fall, then yeah, he would probably say that. But Richard has very clearly hurt himself.

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