9. The Very Noisy Night

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No. 9 - The Very Noisy Night

Sleeping in Shifts | Tossing and Turning | Caught in a Storm

"Guys, I'm sorry, but I cannot drive another inch." Richard says over the walkie. "My knee hurts, and this storm is just going to get worse."

Looking out the window as the rain pours down around him, James has to agree with Richard. The rain isn't letting down, and if they're not careful they're just going to get stuck in it, which is not going to end well, especially as it's beginning to grow dark.

They're going to have to find a hotel soon, or else they'll be stuck. And James doesn't quite fancy having to sleep in his car, and in Richard's case, sleeping in his car definitely won't do any favours to his knee if it's beginning to ache.

"I don't see any hotels around here, Hammond." Jeremy says over the walkie. "And camping and sleeping in our cars is absolutely out of the question."

As near as James can tell, they're nowhere near a town of some sort, which is definitely going to be rather problematic if the storm picks up. Which it undoubtedly will do, so they really need to find some sort of civilization as soon as possible, otherwise they have no choice but to sleep in their cars.

"Well, if we don't find anything soon, we might just have to sleep in our cars." James says after grabbing his walkie from the passenger's seat next to him. "I don't fancy it, but it might be the only option we've got."

He hates the fact that they may have to sleep in their cars if they don't find a hotel soon. But what choice do they have? There's nowhere else for them to sleep except for the backseats of their cars.

And fuck will his back protest at that. It's not like the backseat is exactly big enough for someone of his height to stretch out properly to sleep. Jeremy will no doubt have it even worse. Richard should fair alright, the bloody shortarse. But if his knee is sore, then it's no doubt going to cause some issues for him.

"Have you seen the size of the backseats in this car?" Jeremy asks. "There's no way I'm fitting back there comfortably!"

James glances in the rearview mirror to the backseat of his car. It's... not exactly very spacious. He hadn't chosen it for the amount of room in the back on the off chance they get caught in a storm and have to sleep in their cars because they can't find a hotel. That's never been something they've ever considered.

"Mine isn't much better." He says.

"I think I'll fit in the backseat of my car, but it's not going to do any good to my knee." Richard says.

"Well you can fit almost anywhere, Hamster, you little shortarse." Jeremy says. "But James and I aren't so lucky."

"You know I'm not actually that short." Richard says. "Just next to you two giants I look smaller than I really am."

"Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that, Hammo." Jeremy says. "You're small enough to easily be an extra in the new Lord of the Rings series as a hobbit without needing to be digitally shrunken down to the correct size."

James mostly tunes out their bickering after that, not particularly caring to partake in his friends bickering over Richard's height. He's more focused on finding somewhere they can spend the night before the storm gets too bad and they're forced to sleep in their cars.

He's hoping that they'll come across a town soon, that'll hopefully have a hotel they can stay in. Although, at this rate he'd be fine with an abandoned house or a rundown barn or shed, because at least that would be a lot better than the alternative that is sleeping in their cars that have barely any space in the back.

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