10. Poor Unfortunate Souls

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No. 10 - Poor Unfortunate Souls

Taser | Whipping | Waterboarding

The first thing he notices when he comes to, is that his arms hurt. A lot. So does his back, actually, and it feels oddly warm and wet. He's also quick to realise that he doesn't have a shirt on, and that his arms are chained up, the chains hanging from the ceiling, causing him to stay in an upright position where he can only just touch the ground if he stands on his toes. That explains why his arms hurt.

His back though? Not so much, but as he attempts to twist around, trying to see what could possibly cause his back to hurt so much and why it feels strangely warm and wet, he lets out a scream as the twisting motion causes a searing pain to run across his back. Almost like the skin on his back is being torn open.

Okay... he can guess what the fuck happened to his back. He thinks while trying to see, he saw a few deep gashes across his back. So... whipping perhaps? From what he could see, it looks like it could very well be whip lashes.

But how the fuck did he end up here in the first place? And where are James and Jeremy? He can't see them here in this room, wherever the hell it is he's trapped in.

He's completely alone, and he has no way of escaping.

However, he doesn't stay alone for very long, as the door on the other side of the room opens, and someone is being pushed inside by someone wearing a rather creepy looking mask. And it doesn't take him very long to discover that the man now on the ground in front of him, is Jeremy.

There is still no sign of James though, which definitely gets Richard considerably worried about what could possibly be happening to him. That is, if he's not just at home safe reading a book in front of the fire with his cat fast asleep on his lap.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" Richard shouts, voice shaking, as he watches as the masked man pulls out a whip and cracks it down over Jeremy's back.

He wants so much to get out of these chains and stop the man from hurting Jeremy more, but no matter how hard he tries to free himself by pulling on the chains, nothing works. The only thing it achieves is bringing him more pain.

The man in the mask looks up at him, throwing the whip to the side, and pulls something else out of his jacket pocket, that Richard is quick to discover is a taser, as he walks over to him.

And as Richard gets a look at the man's eyes through the mask as he gets right up close to him, he pales as he recognizes the grey-blue eyes staring straight at him through the mask.

"James?" He asks, voice small and confused as he realises who the man in the mask is.

This isn't happening. None of this can possibly be happening. It can't be James behind the mask. He refuses to believe it.

He must be stuck in some twisted nightmare. He desperately wants it to be some twisted nightmare that he's stuck in. Not that it seems for some reason James has kidnapped him and Jeremy and is torturing them.

But those eyes.... He'd recognise those eyes anywhere.

And all this pain feels pretty damn real to just be his mind playing tricks on him.

He lets out a scream, doubling over as much as he can in his current position as he's being tasered in the stomach. The movement making the skin on his back where the lashes lie burn with white hot pain.

Letting out a sob as the man lifts the mask up off his face, confirming that it is in fact James May behind the mask, Richard isn't sure what hurts more.

The pain from the open gashes on his back, presumably from the same whip that was just used on Jeremy and the sensation of just being tasered, which absolutely hurt like hell. Or that the person who is responsible for all of this, is one of his closest friends....

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