Table of Contents

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Crashing And Thrashing

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Crashing And Thrashing

Table of Contents

For quick access to any one-shots you'd like to read, here's the list of whumptober prompts, and a short summary of each one-shot.

*will be updated with summaries, genre, relationships (if any), word count, and warnings (if needed) as new one-shots are posted*

note; if gen fic, then the boys are with their irl partners, even if not explicitly said or implied.

No. 1 - A Little Out Of The Ordinary

Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | "This wasn't supposed to happen"

Jeremy has an accident, and Richard deals with survivor's guilt.

Genre; M/M

Relationships; Jeremy/Richard, but can be read as Jeremy/Richard/James. But perhaps more Jeremy/Richard.

Word Count; 1,469


No. 2 - Nowhere To Run

Cornered | Caged | Confrontation

The boys are cornered and trapped in their car by angry locals while trying to flee Argentina after a little mishap with the numberplate on the Porsche 928 GT Jeremy was driving.

Genre; Gen

Word Count; 569


No. 3 - Hair's Breadth From Death

Gun to Temple | "Say goodbye" | Impaled

Richard has a little accident after falling off his motorbike on the way to the Top Gear studio.

Genre; Gen

Word Count; 1,016


No. 4 - Dead On Your Feet

Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can't Pass Out

Richard is in pain, but stupidly chooses not to let Jeremy in on how bad until he makes his injury much worse while working out on the farm.

Genre; M/M

Relationships; Jeremy/Richard/James

Word Count; 1,978


No. 5 - Every Whumpee's Needs

Blood Loss | Running Out of Air | Hyperthermia

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