Chapter 1: The Stranger On The Line

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<Incoming Call: Unknown>

Unknown: Chaeyoung ah! Where the hell are you?! I've been sat here for the past 20 minutes. You're going to be paying for the 2 cocktails that I just had plus the rest of the night. And I'm not in a good mood so it's definitely going to be a whole lot of drinks. You better get your ass here before the bills clear your bank account!

Jennie: I'm sorry, but you've got the wrong number.

Unknown: What? Oh fuck! I'm so sorry! Shit.. I apologize, you didn't deserve that..

Jennie: <giggles> No, it's fine. You did sound like you needed to let that out. I'm happy to be here.

Unknown: I'm really sorry. Thanks for not yelling back at me though. I'm suppose to meet my best friend but she's late, again.

Jennie: It must have been a rough day. I hope it ends better.

Unknown: For some weird reason, it's starting to. Oh crap! I'm sorry for taking up even more of your time. I should hang up and let you go. Plus, I need to call this friend of mine.

Jennie: Sure! I'll let you get to it... errr...

Unknown: It's Lisa. And you are?

Jennie: Ruby, you can call me Ruby.

Unknown: That's a beautiful name. Right. Thank you and I apologize again, Ruby. Well, you have my number now, so feel free to call and rant if ever you need to. <laughs>

Jennie: Thank you and you too.

<Ends Call>

I laughed to myself thinking of the phone call.  And I saved her number in my phone.

I don't know why, but this girl intrigues me. She had a contagious laughter. I bet she has a beautiful smile too.

As much as I wanted to tell her my name, I couldn't, in case she ends up being someone who would give my number away for cash and fame.

Being an international artiste, I had my career and reputation to protect. I settled by giving her my middle name. I mean, I don't even know if we'll ever speak again.

I had the whole week off to rest and recharge before i started work again. So I'm taking advantage of this time to sleep as much as I want before that becomes a luxury.


Lisa: Good morning, Ruby, this is Lisa, the crazy girl ranting over the phone last night. I'm assuming you're in Korea since I only dialed the last digit wrongly? I'm sorry again about the call. I hope I didn't interrupt whatever you were doing. Well, I hope you have a good day.

I smiled recalling Lisa's phone call. I was hovering my fingers over the keyboard, thinking if I should reply her. I decided to.

Jennie: Good morning, Lisa. It's no problem, so stop apologizing. You didn't disturb me. I was just organizing my things for work.

Lisa: Oh wow! You work late hours? And you're up already? Oh wait, did I wake you up?

Jennie: My work schedule isn't fixed. Haha. I'm already up. Decided to be productive today.

Lisa: Phew! So, what do you do?

I was thinking hard. How do I reply Lisa without lying and without exposing who I am?

Lisa: Sorry, you don't have to answer. You don't know me and that's quite a personal question.

Jennie: Oh no. No.. I don't know how to put it. To put it simply, I'm just a dreamer. Haha. And I travel quite a bit.

Lisa: O.. okay. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.

Jennie: Lisa, you have to stop apologizing all the time. Hahaha. It's an easy question. I shouldn't have to take such a long time to answer.

Jennie: So what about you? What do you do?

Lisa: I'm a dance instructor. Aspiring professional dancer.

Jennie: That's incredible! Go for your dreams Lisa!

Lisa: It's much easier said than done. I do have a few auditions coming up. So I hope one of those would change my life.

Jennie: I believe in you. You got this.

Lisa: Thanks Ruby. Although we don't know each other, but that made me feel a lot better.

Lisa: Listen, I have to get started on my dance class now. So we'll text again soon?

Jennie: Of course! Have a good day Lisa!

Lisa: You too Ruby!

I placed my phone back down. The interaction with Lisa plastered a smile on my face the whole day.

It was really good to finally be able to be around the house.

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