Chapter 8: The Falling

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"Chae, I don't think I'll be up for anything this weekend. I'm so tired! Wait wait! Check out my abs!" I raise my hoodie slightly to show off my new formed muscles.

"Wow, you're fit!" Chaeyoung was amused.

"I know right? Look at what 1 week of intense dancing has given me. Ha!" I continued to look at the more defined lines.

"Okay, so you're going to be home? Unfortunately I have to meet a few clients so I'll only be back in the evening. I'll grab dinner for us alright?" Chaeyoung informed.

"You're the best Chae~" I was starting to doze off again on the couch.

I heard the door click and knew I was now alone at home.


I jotted awake.

Jennie: Hello Lisa! No morning text today?

Lisa: Hey Ruby, sorry I've had an intense week. I kind of just woke up when you texted.

Jennie: I'm so sorry! Did I wake you?

Lisa: No don't worry about it. I'm hungry anyway. How was your week? I'm sorry I haven't been texting much. I'm in rehearsals all day.

Jennie: Do ensure you have your meals and also not to overwork yourself. And no worries, I've been busy with work too.

Lisa: Yeah, I will. It's going to only get more crazy the next few weeks. So I hope you don't think I'm ignoring you okay?

Jennie: I won't. I understand Lis.

Lisa: I'm going to miss chatting with you though. I was wondering maybe we could do a video call again? I don't know.. hahaha.

Jennie: Of course we can. After your crazy few weeks?

Lisa: Yeah, that sounds good. I may show you my abs too! Hahaha

Jennie: Wow wow wow! Don't let anyone else see them okay! I'm protective of you.

Lisa: Awwww. Don't worry. I'm usually in sweats and t-shirt during rehearsals. But uh? Why are you being protective? Not that I don't appreciate it but uh...

Jennie: Sorry! I don't mean to sound creepy like that. I mean.. there are a lot of pervs out there so I just want you to be safe. You know?

Lisa: Haha. Relax, you didn't creep me out. Honestly, I gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Hehe.

Jennie: Oh yeah? Well, then I'll continue to be protective then?

Lisa: You can do that. And expect the same from me!

Jennie: Yup!

Jennie: Any plans this weekend?

Lisa: Nope! I'm exhausted. Plus I'll probably continue practicing on my own.

Jennie: You seem very hard on yourself?

Lisa: You're not the first to tell me. Well, I'm kind of a perfectionist. So I can be hard to work with for some people. I just hate giving half hearted work.

Jennie: No, I get it. It's the same for me. I could spend ages on a project just to make sure it's something I am proud of.

Lisa: Oh my god, exactly!

Jennie: But still, give yourself some credit. And you should rest. Otherwise how are you going to get through the weeks ahead?

Lisa: Yes madam! I'll practice for an hour only okay? I don't want my abs to disappear.

Jennie: I'm sure it won't if you're dancing so much.

Lisa: I can never be too careful.

Jennie: You're adorable, you know that?

Fuck. My heart is beating so fast. Her compliments are getting sweeter and I'm finding it hard to counter.

Lisa: I know that! Glad you think so too!

Jennie: Aren't you cocky. Ha! I've got to go. There's some work stuff I need to take care of. But we'll talk soon?

Lisa: Yeah of course. Have a good weekend Ruby.

Jennie: You too Lis!

I need Chaeyoung to come home quick! Ruby is going to drive me crazy with all these emotions she is bringing out of me. This is crazy! How can I fall for someone I've not met?!

"Honey, I'm home!!" Chaeyoung spread her arms out wide as she walked through the door. She carried 2 bags of food.

"Thanks for getting dinner! I'm starving!" I quickly ran over to her to grab the bags of food.

"You didn't eat lunch?" Chaeyoung walked over to the table, removing her blazer and resting them on the chair.

"I was texting Ruby and kind lost track of time." I said, putting a piece of fries into my mouth.

Chaeyoung gave me the suspicions smirk, "You like this girl don't you?"

"No Chae, I think it's worse." I put down the chicken I'm holding. "I think I'm falling for her."

"This is crazy. I don't even know how she looks like and we've only been talking for a couple of weeks. How can I fall for someone i don't know?!" I was exasperated.

"Well, sometimes love is blind." I stared at her. "What I mean is, maybe you fell for her heart. Will how she look affect how you feel for her? Be honest."

"I don't think so. I've never felt this way before. And I don't want to rush it. I mean, how do I even know she feels the same towards me?" I was really thinking, the day when Ruby decides to show me her face, will i be disappointed? Will it matter?

"From what you're telling me, there could be a possibility. You don't have to make any decisions now do you?" I nodded. "Then that's fine. Take time to know her more and when the time is right, you could drop her some hints."

"Yeah~ I could do that. Thanks Chae. Argh! Why do relationships have to be so complicated." Chaeyoung just laughed.

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