Chapter 10: The Endearment

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Jennie has been such a pleasant person to work with. She's a perfectionist too, that I noticed. I can see why her works are always successful. And I admire that a lot.

Although I must say, she's a little... Weird? I would catch her looking at me sometimes. At first I thought perhaps she was evaluating me. That's normal. Afterall I just joined. But when Jisoo came on set the other day and I saw them looking at me at the same time. I felt uncomfortable. But it's not one which is creepy. I don't know how to put it.

This feeling is so unsettling. I told Chaeyoung about it and she said I was thinking too much. Maybe I should ask Ruby.

Lisa: Hi Ruby, happy weekends! I hope you don't have to work today.

Jennie: Hey Lis, nope I don't have to. Resting this weekend before another long week.

Lisa: Me too!

Jennie: So, what's up?

Lisa: I was wondering.. Have you ever had someone look at you a lot? I mean like.. stealing glances and all?

Jennie: Errr.. yeah, I've encountered that. Why do you ask?

Lisa: Well, I don't know how to put this. You know I'm working on a project now right? Well, someone that I'm not close to has been looking at me. Like a lot. Initially I thought that perhaps I'm being evaluated since I'm new. But when her friend came over, I saw them glancing at me too.

Jennie: Does that make you feel uncomfortable?

Lisa: That's the thing! I do, but at the same time, no? It felt familiar in a way. I don't know how to describe it. It feels like she knows me, but don't know me. Okay i don't make sense.

Jennie: Oh. No, I get it. I understand that feeling. Have you tried talking to her?

Lisa: Not really. Just casual passing conversations.

Jennie: Maybe she wants to get to know you?

Lisa: Maybe? But anyway. I'll see her for another week? I'm not sure if we'll meet again after. So maybe I shouldn't dwell too much on it. Perhaps Chaeyoung was right about me overthinking. Hahaha.

Jennie: I see. I hope things work out.

Lisa: Hmm? Okayyy.. thanks for listening. I didn't know who to share this with. It's bugging me.

Jennie: Shouldn't you feel flattered? Someone is looking at you?

Lisa: I guess. I mean. I was pretty hot..

Jennie: LOL! You seem like to want people to look then.

Lisa: No of course not! I don't like getting the attention. That's not my thing. It makes me feel awkward. 

Jennie: Well, you're beautiful Lisa. So it's normal for people to look at you.

Lisa: Aww you're sweet. Thank you. But you've only seen me once over video. You probably don't remember how I look like now.

Jennie: Nah, I do.. big doe eyes and plushy lips.

Here it is again. She is making my heart race. Damn it. Should I?

Lisa: Errr hahaha. Thanks babe!

I hope the new endearment could drop some hints.

Jennie: Haha, you're welcome sweets!

Okay, she definitely got it.

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