Chapter 3: The Get To Know

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"You what?!" Jisoo exclaimed. "You texted a stranger?"

I had shared with Jisoo about the call and the short conversation i exchanged with Lisa.

"It's no big deal. She doesn't know who I really am. I told her I'm Ruby." I tried to make it sound casual.

"Are you going to continue chatting with her?" Jisoo asked.

I thought about this, "I'm hoping to? She sounded really genuine. And she seems harmless."

"Harmless, what is she? A pony?" Jisoo was being dramatic.

"She's a dancer." I clarified.

"Heartbreakers." Jisoo sassed.

"Jisoo, we can't say that, not all of them are like that. Look at the dancers we've been working with. They are such sweet people." I wanted to defend Lisa.

"You're right." Jisoo nodded. "Get to know her first at least before you reveal yourself?"

"Of course." I agreed with Jisoo on that.

Jennie: Hi Lisa, I hope you've had a good week. How's your weekend so far?

Lisa: Hi Ruby, it's nice to hear from you again. I thought maybe you didn't want to continue with our chat. I've had a busy week but productive. I'm just practicing my dance for my audition. How about you?

Jennie: Why did you think that I wouldn't want to continue chatting with you? Oh right! Your audition! When is it? I've been sleeping a lot this past week. But I'm going to have to adjust my body back to work mode soon. Spending this weekend with my best friend.

Lisa: Oh, I mean.. I don't know. I was afraid I freaked you out or made you uncomfortable. You can be assured I'm not a creepy 60 year old man at least.

Jennie: LOL! And you can also be assured I'm not a 60 year old man too.

Lisa: Do you mind if I asked you which part of Korea do you live in?

Jennie: Seoul. You?

Lisa: Me too! Wow..

Jennie: Maybe one day we'll meet!

Lisa: Really? You'll want to meet me?

Jennie: Of course. I hope so.

Lisa: Me too. Ruby, would you like to maybe video call some time? I mean, I'm comfortable in showing you my face but if you want to hide yours, I'm totally cool with that.

Jennie: Erm yeah. Maybe we could? But you're really okay with not seeing my face yet?

Lisa: Yeah. I'm okay. I hope one day you'll trust me to show me though. Hahaha!

Jennie: Thank you. So where are you auditioning next week?

Lisa: Oh my god, you won't believe it. It's with Kweenz. The biggest dance agency in Korea! They work with huge artistes. So I hope I can get in.

No way! If she's going for the audition this means...

Lisa: They said Jennie Kim is going to be at the auditions. Holy shit! That makes me even more nervous.

Jennie: There's nothing to be nervous about.

Lisa: Of course there is. THE Jennie Kim. Hello??? I'm assuming that this audition is for her upcoming comeback or something.

Lisa is right. It will be for my upcoming comeback. I do have something to look forward to during the auditions - Lisa.

Jennie: You sound like a fan.

Lisa: Who isn't? She's very inspiring. Sometimes my heart aches for her when people misunderstand her or misjudge her. It's such a mean thing to do to someone.

Wow.. I was really touched by what Lisa said.

Lisa: I know I don't know her at all and I don't want to assume anything about her. But no one should be treated this way. I hope she knows that though.

Jennie: Well, you'll see her so you can tell her.

Lisa: Nah.. I'm there for an audition. Doing that, people would think I'm flirting and if I get in, people would think she got me in because of my flirting. Sounds ridiculous, but that's what people do. I don't want to give her more things to be troubled about.

Jennie: You're very thoughtful Lisa. All the best for your auditions! Maybe we could do a video call that night?

Lisa: Really?! I'm going to do you proud! Hahaha! I've got to go. My best friend is back with food. Have a good weekend Ruby!

Jennie: Have fun Lisa!

Gosh, I hope I'm able to maintain my excitement when I actually see Lisa. I hope she does well and gets in. And perhaps after the comeback promos I'd tell her who I really am.

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