Chapter 6: The Uncertainty

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Ruby and I have been texting the past few days. I'm not sure why, but I felt hurt when she hid her face. It felt one-sided. I know I said I was okay with it, but it still stung a little.

Today's the day I would be signing the contract with Kweenz. I'm still absolutely thrilled.

"Lisa! Hi! Over here!" Drake called out as I exited the lift.

"Hello Drake!" I greeted with a bow.

"Jennie and the team of lawyers are on the way, make yourself comfortable." He informs me after ushering me into a huge meeting room.

After 10 minutes, the door swung open and 2 men who I assume are lawyers and Jennie walked in.

"Hi Lisa! We meet again!" Jennie sounded really excited.

"Hello, thank you once again for this opportunity." I was really grateful.

"You deserve this." She held her gaze on me longer than I expected. "Alright, let's jump straight in shall we? I'm preparing for my comeback. Which will includes 1 music video and 5 performances for this single. You have to keep it confidential as well."

"There are 2 contracts here." One of the lawyers started speaking. "One for Kweenz. And the other is to work with Jennie for her comeback." He said handling both contracts to me.

"I'm going to take awhile to read through this. Please give me a moment." I needed to be sure I read every single thing accurately. Chaeyoung had warned me that the choice of words are very important, one word can make a whole lot of difference and I should be able to identify them.

After reading, I reached for a pen in my pocket and signed them. "I'm agreeable to the terms. Thank you very much!"

The 4 of us stood up and I saw that there were 3 smiles but my eyes were fixed on Jennie's.

"I'm really looking forward to working with you, Lisa." Jennie walks over and gave me a hug which shocked me. It felt familiar even though this was only the second time we've met.

The schedule showed that I'll be busy the next 2 months. But at least I don't have to travel yet. Unless any of the artistes have to travel for any performance or tour.

I headed down of the building, feeling a mix of relief and hopeful of the future. But there it is again, my mind has wandered off to Ruby. Maybe these 2 months could be a distraction.

<Outgoing Call: Chaeyoung>

Lisa: Chaeyoung ah! I signed the papers!

Chaeyoung: I'm so proud of you! I'm done with work. Do you want me to come pick you and we can go grab dinner?

Lisa: That sounds good! I'm still at the building.

Chaeyoung: Alright, be there in 5 minutes!

<Ends Call>

"Lis, what's the matter? You look distracted." Chaeyoung turned to me while we stopped at the traffic light.

"I don't know Chae. Do you remember the night you were late in meeting me? I actually dialed the wrong number and ranted down the phone. The person on the line was really sweet. We started texting after. A few days ago we did a video call but she didn't show me her face. I don't know. But I feel kind of hurt." I shared with Chaeyoung.

"Wow, and you have been keeping this from me?!" Chaeyoung pretended to be hurt. "Give her some time. I mean, it can be scary."

"You've been quite busy! Sigh, but you're right. It is scary." That reminded me that I should be more understanding.

I decided to send a quick text to Ruby.

Lisa: Hi! Wanted to tell you i signed the contract!

I didn't feel like I was ready to read Ruby's reply.

Jennie: That's wonderful! Congrats again!

Jennie: Hi Lisa! Any weekend plans?

Jennie: Hey, you alright?

Jennie: Still alive?

Jennie: Text me when you're up?

I didn't reply Ruby all weekend. I just didn't feel up for it somehow. I felt terrible for not replying her. I guess I was trying to see how much I meant to her or something like that. Even as friends, I wanted her to fight for me. I know it's a silly expectation but I am so scared of getting hurt.

Today's the day I go into Kweenz. We were to learn the choreography of Jennie's single. I'm really excited.

"You must be Lisa!" One of the dancers probably older than me called out and I walk over to his direction where other dancers are starting to gather. There were 10 of us. They already new each other so I was introduced to them. They were lovely. And I felt really welcomed.

The next 4 hours we were learning the whole routine. I'm a fast learner so I picked up the choreography rather quickly which shocked the group. They call me a scanner. I could watch the moves once and be able to replicate it.

After lunch, we spent the day getting into positions. Claud, the choreographer would take Jennie's positions so that we could work out positions around her. It took us 5 hours to master our positions.

"Guys! Great job today! It's a very high intensity routine but you guys look great. Tomorrow Jennie will be coming in. She's learned the choreo, so tomorrow it's polishing up the dance moves and positions. If there's any tweaks we need to make, we'll revise along the way. The video shoot starts next Monday, probably a 4 day shoot. So do get your fitness and body ready. It's going to be an intense 2 months! Let's do this!" Claud was hyping us. We gathered to do a group cheer before we dismissed ourselves for the day.

"Chae?! I'm home!" I announced as I walked through the door.

"How was your first day?" Chaeyoung asked.

"It was good! The dancers are really nice and they have a very positive vibe so I love it." I was starting to yawn.

"Have you eaten? Do you want me to heat up something for you?" Chaeyoung offered.

"I've eaten. Don't worry. I'm just going to shower and go to bed yeah? I got a long day tomorrow. Jennie is coming. So I better sleep early. Night night Chae." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before retreating to my room.

Sigh. I should reply Ruby. I mean, I wouldn't want to be ignored by her.

Lisa: I'm sorry I haven't replied. I was busy. Erm.. I hope I don't disturb you. I just got home from work.

Jennie: Oh. No worries. You're not avoiding me are you?

Lisa: I.. I'm not sure Ruby. I'm sorry. I just had a lot on my mind.

Jennie: You can tell me Lisa. What is it that I've done?

Lisa: No, it's nothing. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just perhaps I was having an unrealistic expectation. I was really hoping to see your face. I know I said it is okay. But I couldn't help but feel hurt.

Lisa: I don't know. I guess I was afraid that I'll be hurt.

Jennie: By me?

Lisa: Yeah. It's silly I know. I'm sorry. Please don't get upset.

Jennie: I'm not upset Lisa. I get where you're coming from. I promise you, this isn't a one-sided friendship. I just need some time. Can you give me that?

Lisa: Sure.

Jennie: Thank you.

Lisa: I better get ready for bed. I got another big day coming. Goodnight Ruby.

Jennie: Goodnight Lisa.

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