Chapter 2: The Aspiration

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I finally got home after a long day of back to back dance classes. It's only Monday and I was already exhausted. We should not have gone drinking last night. That was a bad decision. I was in a bad mood and Chaeyoung was bored so we decided to get out of the house.

Chaeyoung and I grew up together. We went through every phase in life with each other. Her family decided to return to New Zealand and mine to Thailand. But we didn't want to be separated so we chose to remain in Korea and bought an apartment together with the money our parents left for us. She's more like a sister to me. We always had each other's backs.

As I was waiting for my dinner to get heated up in the microwave, my mind drifted off to Ruby. I still feel so embarrassed recalling the phone call. But she's really sweet about it and we even had a short conversation over text this morning. She seems quite guarded but i don't blame her. After all, she doesn't know me.

I was really tempted to text her again. But I decided that I should let her text first the next time. I don't want to seem clingy or weird.


I rushed towards my laptop as I heard the email chime.

"Dear Miss Manoban,
We have received your recording and would like to invite you down for an audition next Tuesday at 10am.
See you there!"

"Yes!" I punch my fist in the air. The dance agency of my dreams, Kweenz, has just invited me for an audition. They work with huge artistes. Names that could elevate my portfolio.

I don't mind starting out as a back up dancer and then slowly work towards becoming a choreographer. I am also really into stage productions so I'm happy if I get to do either, or both.

With the dance studio I'm in, I get the chance to do both, once a year when we put up a recital. But I felt like I'm not growing and I really want to push myself more.

<Incoming Call: Chaeyoung>

Chaeyoung: Lisayah~ do you have anything on after your evening class tomorrow? Shall we have dinner? I'll be done with my client at around 5pm.

Lisa: Sure! I've got good news! Kweenz invited me down for an audition next Tuesday!

Chaeyoung: Are you serious?! Oh my god! You are so going to nail it! You're buying me a meal when you get in.

Lisa: Shouldn't it be the other way round? Plus you're a lawyer, you're rich.

Chaeyoung: So? I didn't ask for anything fancy. Just not your cooking.

Lisa: Hey! I can cook okay~

Lisa's microwave went off in the background and Chaeyoung heard it.

Chaeyoung: You we're saying??

Lisa: Shut up! Fine! I'll buy you a meal. Will you meet me after my auditions though? I'll be to nervous to be alone.

Chaeyoung: Sure, I don't have any appointments on Tuesday. Let's go do something fun too. I'm on my way home. Do you want me to grab any additional food for you?

Lisa: Ginseng chicken soup from Ahjumma!

<Ends Call>

I'm a perfectionist, and I've been told that I'm very harsh on myself, that I expect too much and beat myself up when I don't think I did well.

It's already Thursday and I haven't received a text from Ruby. I didn't mind though, I busied myself with cleaning up my dance moves. But every night I would hope I'd receive a message from her.

At least I know she's in Korea. I wonder if we'll ever meet. Hold up! I'm going ahead of myself. We barely know each other. Why would we meet?


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