Chapter 7: The Rehearsals

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As my manager was driving us towards Kweenz's studio where I would be hanging around a lot during these few weeks, I couldn't help but recall my exchange with Lisa last night.

She wasn't asking for a lot. I know that she just wanted to know who she's talking to. And I totally get that. But I really wanted her to accept me for me and not THE Jennie Kim.

I'll be working with the dance crew this week to polish the choreo which means I get to see Lisa everyday. I don't know why but that is a motivation to get out of bed.

I finally reached the 5th floor where the studio is. When I stood outside and looked in, I saw Deukie helping Lisa with her stretches. I've worked with him for years and I know he's not into girls. But I couldn't help but feel jealous by how close he is to Lisa. Both of them stood up and started to laugh.

Oh my god that smile.

I realized that I was just standing and not entering when the music from inside started to play. I quickly stepped in and we greeted each other. And I knew my eyes were always searching for Lisa's.

"Okay. 5, 6, 7, 8!" Claud clapped his hands as we begin to run through the routine.

"Very good! Let's do it with music!" Claud signaled to one of the dancers at the back to play the music.

After 3 rounds, all of us fell to the floor. It's intense. And to do the whole thing 3 times. My legs felt like jelly.

"Lunch is here everyone." Anderson and Donnie who are also the dancers brought in food. We sat in a circle to eat.

Lisa was sitting opposite me chatting with another dancer while eating. Once in awhile we would make brief eye contact and she'd smile and quickly turn away. She was adorable when she's shy. I decided to text her.

Jennie: Hi Lisa! How's your day?

I saw Lisa stretch over to her bag where her phone screen lid up. She has an amazing body.

Lisa: Hi Ruby, it's been good so far. How about yours?

Jennie: Good too. Half a day to go!

Lisa: You're at work too? I'm still confused by what your job actually is. Haha!

Jennie: Well, don't judge. I'm a performer.

Lisa: No judgement here. I mean. That's what I'm aspiring to be. Wait. What kind of performer are you? In the circus? Hahahaha

I heard Lisa let out a giggle.

"What are you giggling about Lisa?" Deukie asked.

"Ah.. nothing oppa!" Lisa replied nervously as she puts away her phone.  And I smiled knowing what she was doing.

We rested awhile more while looking at the video recording taken earlier to analyze each dancer. I must say, Lisa is really good.

"Wow Lisa! You're good!" I praised.

"Thank you unnie." Lisa blushed.

"Jennie-yah. You have no idea. She's like a scanner. She watched the choreo once yesterday and was able to do the whole thing." Anderson shared.

"Double wow! I'm so glad we got you on board!" I continued to shower my praises.

"Ah.. I'm thankful for all your patience and guidance these 2 days." Lisa is always very humble and polite and it's something I find endearing.

It was 6pm and we were done for the day. The dancers had left and I went to change to a new set of clothes. I walked pass the studio and heard music playing. I turned my head and saw Lisa still practicing. She was already perfect.

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