Chapter 9: The Stares

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It was the last day of the video shoot. Everything was on schedule, for once, and everyone was starting to feel tired. We only managed 3-4 hours of sleep the past few nights. No matter how many times I do this, I never get use to it.

"Jendukie!" I turned my head towards the voice.

"Chu! What are you doing here?" It was a pleasant surprise.

Jisoo came to gave me a hug, "I wanted to come and support you and also... who's Lisa? Wait wait..." I watch Jisoo take a scan of the people in the room.

"Fuck. Is that her? The one in front of the wall there?" I nodded. "I can see why you are into her. She looks stunning and her smile is gorgeous."

"Hey! That's my girl. Go get your own." I tried to say it in a whisper.

"Your girl eh? Hahaha. Calm down! I won't steal your girl." Jisoo just laughed. "I'll just wait here until you end and we can grab supper?"

"Sounds good!" I was really looking forward to wrapping the shoot up.

"Okay everyone! In positions! Last scene! Give the dance your all guys!" Claud applauded.

"It's a wrap!" The director shouted.

"Good job everyone! And thank you for working so hard!" I announced.

Everyone bursted into cheers and hugged each other.

All of us retreated to the changing rooms to change out.

"Lisa-yah! Do you want to have supper? Claud is buying!!" I heard someone shouting over to Lisa and I tried to pretend I wasn't listening. Jisoo was eyeing me.

"Okay! Give me 2 minutes, I'll be out soon!" Lisa replied.

"Jen, relax. You're going to see her next week for your performances." Jisoo knew how I felt before I even voice out.

"Yeah, but I.. I miss her already." I said blushing.

"God you're so sappy." Jisoo rolled her eyes.

The dancers were leaving and Lisa was digging for something in her bag. She looked up and saw Jisoo and I look her way. "Have a good rest and see you next week unnie." She smiled shyly and gave a bow before leaving.



Lisa: Hi Ruby! I thought I'd drop you a message. Sorry I haven't text. Whole week of shoot and phone isn't with me. But it's done now! I'm heading to supper with the rest.

Lisa: Oh shit! It's 2am! You must be sleeping. I'm sorry! I shall not disturb you.

Jennie: Hi Lisa! I'm still awake, you didn't disturb me. Enjoy supper and be safe!

"What?" I looked up from my phone to see Jisoo smiling at me. "Lisa texted me." I said in a baby voice and Jisoo pulled me closer with her arm hung around my neck.

"You're so whipped." Jisoo commented.

Although we had to rush the production of the music video so that it could be release before the scheduled performances, it turned out very well.

I recalled the events of the past week. I watched Lisa a lot. I hope I wasn't obvious. I learned that she could sleep anywhere, even in the most uncomfortable position. And she looks completely adorable. I remember walking in and saw Lisa hugging a pole. She fell asleep standing up. I wish I had my phone with me then to snap a picture. But the moment we were all called to assemble, she was very professional.

Many little silly things which I saw her do made me chuckle to myself. She was like a kid. But when she gets into her work mode, it's completely different.

I've fallen in love with Lisa.

I thought of how I was going to reveal myself to her. I decided to try and talk to her during these few days at the performance. And when we do text or the video call, I would use those same words or phrases. Hopefully she'll get the hints. I would hate for her to shut down when she actually knows that it was me all along. I felt terrible for lying to her. But I trust that Lisa would understand. That's what I'm holding on to.

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