Chapter 12: The Hospital Stay

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I woke up to the sound of movements.

"Oh my god." I groaned as I pressed a hand on my head.

"Lisa you're up.." it was Jennie. And she helped me get up. "Does your head hurt?"

"Yeah a little."

"Let me go get the doctor." Jennie ran out of the room and back dragging a doctor behind her.

The doctor gave my head a check, "don't worry, this is probably from the medication and you don't have a concussion. I'll get the nurse to bring in a painkiller for your headache."

"Thank you." I replied.

"Jennie unnie, not to be rude but why are you here? You don't have to feel guilty about the accident." I didn't want her to be here out of guilt. I hate that.

"No, I'm not guilty. You've assured me of that. I'm just worried for you. You are the one in the hospital but you care about everyone else. I hope you'll let me take care of you." Jennie took a seat on my bed.

I didn't know what to say and she sensed it.

"I have to make sure you don't fall off the bed or perhaps put the straw of your drink into your nose by accident." She teased recalling this incident during the shoot.

"Oh my god you saw that?!" I covered my face. Of course she saw. She was looking at me a lot.

"What time is it unnie?" I wanted to watch the performance.

"It's 12 noon. Why?" Jennie checked her watch.

"Can you help me on the tv? It's your comeback stage! And I could be on tv too!!!" I was really excited.

Jennie on the tv just in time for her performance.

I knew I was hyped up and behaving like a fan girl.

"Yes unnie! Show them what you got!"

"Oh my god! Did you see that? That's me!"

"I'm on tv!!!"

"Okay, let's goooo!!"

"Yassss!! Gedittt!!"

"Nooooo.. it's over...."

I turned to look at Jennie who was silently watching me instead throughout and I saw so much fondness in her eyes.

"Unnie, what? Is there something on my face?"

"Err no no.. sorry.." and I swear I saw her blush.

I reached for my phone which is by my bedside. No reply from Ruby.


"You okay Lisa?" Jennie asked worriedly.

"Yeah yeah I am. It's just...." Can I trust Jennie?

"What is it? You can tell me." Jennie encouraged.

"Remember Chae saying about the girl I'm secretly in love with? Well, I texted her 2 nights ago that I'm hospitalized, but I haven't gotten a reply from her." Something seemed to flash pass Jennie's eyes but I didn't question.

"I feel stupid, I don't even know how she looks like but I can claim to be in love with her. Plus, I don't know if she even feels the same about me. Am I stupid unnie?" I hadn't realize a tear escaped my eye until Jennie used a thumb to wipe it off my cheek.

I felt as though time stopped. How can I be having this stirrings when Jennie is looking at me. It's wrong! Now I feel as though I'm cheating on Ruby even though we are not even dating.

I quickly reached my hand to my temple rubbing it again to get out of the close contact. Jennie looked hurt somehow.

"Lisa... I...-" Jennie started to open her mouth when a doctor came in.

"Miss Manoban, we got the scan results back from this morning. You're all good. We've called Miss Park to inform her and she will be here to pick you up and you can go home."

"Really?! YESSSSSS!!!!" I did a celebratory dance while sitting on the bed.

"Unnie, would you like to have steak together? Err I mean, if you're free. I mean.. it's okay if you don't want.. I just.. erm.. wanted to thank you for being here.."

"Hahaha! Sure! Steak sound good. But isn't Chaeyoung paying?" Jennie inquired.

"Yup! That's why! Order whatever you want! She's richer than me." I replied playfully.

"Thank you for dinner Chaeyoung!" Jennie turned to face Chaeyoung.

"It's no problem." Chaeyoung replied.

"Ahem! I'm your hero remember???" I was in an extremely good mood after steak.

"Hahaha! Of course! I'll never forget that." Jennie reached over and pinched  my cheek lightly. And there it is again. Fuck!

It was Chaeyoung's turn to clear her throat. "Unnie, let us drop you off somewhere?" And Jennie just nodded.

"Looks like you've completely forgotten about Ruby?" Chaeyoung teased.

"That's not true. She didn't even reply my messages. I don't want to seem clingy or something." Chaeyoung was right. I didn't think of Ruby the whole afternoon. Now I feel like some kind of player and this feeling sucks.

"Lisa, we've known each other our whole lives." I could never lie to Chaeyoung.

"You're right. I'm feeling like a cheater now even though there's nothing going on between any of them." I sighed. "Jennie was always staring at me. I didn't think much of it. Until this morning when I looked into her eyes. There was so much fondness. I don't think I've seen it before. And then again at the restaurant. I hate how I'm feeling now."


Jennie: Sorry I haven't texted. I hope you're feeling better. Can we meet?

Lisa: It's okay, I understand. You want to meet? Are you sure? I mean, I don't want you to feel like I'm pressurizing you.

Jennie: No. i want to meet you, please?

Lisa: Of course.

Jennie: Would you mind coming over to my place? I just want to be alone with you.

Lisa: You're not going to murder me are you? Haha!

Jennie: No. I'll send you my address.

Lisa: Okay.

Ruby sounded so serious. She would usually crack a joke but she doesn't.

"Ruby wants to meet me at her place. I'll take a cab over. Don't worry about me Chae." I informed Chaeyoung.

"Call me if you need me Lis."

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