Chapter 13: The Confessions

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This is it. I have to tell her. This is too much. I love her and I just can't go on deceiving her. I hope she would understand.


Lisa: Wow! You live in a very luxurious estate. Hahaha!

Lisa tried to joke. I knew she could sense the seriousness from my messages.

I've been pacing up and down. It'll only take her 15 minutes to get here I think.

<Ding dong!>

I jumped as the doorbell went off. I took a deep breath before I opened the door.

"Jennie unnie?!" Lisa looked at the unit number and then back to her phone. "This is weird I got a text from-"

"Ruby." I said simply. Hoping she understood.

"I don't-" I cut her again, "Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, that's my name."

I watched Lisa's face go through different stages of emotions - from confused to shock to anger.

"Lisa wait!" I called after her as she turns to leave. "Please let me explain!"

"How long have you known?" Her stare was intense and I kept quiet. "How long?!"

"Since you told me you were going for Kweenz's audition." I held on to her hand tightly, too afraid she'll run.

"I can't believe this." Lisa tries to yank her hand free but I held on tight.

"Please Lisa! Give me a chance to explain. Please." My voice cracked and I think that softened her heart.

"Fine. You have 1 chance to explain. If you're going to lie to me again, I'm out."

I led Lisa into the house and sat her down on the dining table with a glass of water. Her arms were crossed as she glared at me.

"I'm sorry Lisa. I wanted to tell you who I was. Initially I was afraid that you'd give my number away for money. And as time passed, I was afraid that you'd be disappointed that's it's me. I was scared that if you knew who Ruby was, you'd freak out and treat me differently. I didn't want that. And I didn't want to lose you. But seeing you now, though you're here but I feel like I've lost you." I explained.

"Jennie, you've made me feel like a complete player and cheater. Falling for both Ruby and Jennie at the same time. Do you know how confusing it feels? This is not a game Jennie. These feelings are real!" Lisa raised her voice.

"I know. That's why I decided to tell you. Because I couldn't take not being real to you. You mean so much to me Lisa." I tried to convey my feelings.

"Then why did you wait until now before telling me? You had so many chances." Lisa started to cry and my heart broke. I knew how much I've hurt her. Especially since she trusted me.

I stood up from my seat going around the table and knelt in front of her and held both her hand.

"Why did you have to hurt me?" Lisa's tears were streaming rapidly.

"I'm so sorry Lisa. This is all my fault. Give me a chance. I'm in love with you Lisa. As Ruby and as Jennie. I love you. This is me." I leaned my forehead against hers.

We stayed in that position for awhile before she pulled away.

"Please, don't hurt me again. I won't be able to handle it." Lisa spoke.

I brought Lisa to her feet and led her to the couch to sit.

"I promise you, I'll protect your heart with everything I have." I brought my hand to caress her face and she leaned in.

"What are we going to do now? You're an idol. And I'm just a backup dancer." Lisa shared her insecurity.

"I don't care. I love you Lisa, for you." She smiled.

"I love you too Jennie." My heart soared.

I leaned in, bringing her face closer. Lisa closed her eyes and I took it that she allowed me to close the gap.

It started as a soft kiss. I felt her lips moving and instinctively I moved mine and it got heated quickly. I pushed Lisa back down on the couch and I climbed on top of her.

"Ahem!" The both of us jolted apart.

"Fuck Chu!" I held my chest.

"I'm sorry. I clearly interrupted something. Hi Lisa." Jisoo gave a small wave to Lisa.

"H-hi Jisoo unnie.." Lisa's voice was shaky from the embarrassment.

"Well, i brought you food. But you seemed like you're about to eat something else so I'm just going to leave this here and go. Call me when you're free Jen! Bye Lisa~!" Jisoo said and walked out closing the door behind her.

I turned to look at Lisa and her face was bright red.

"I'm sorry about that." Lisa just bit her lip and I thought that was really sexy.

"Lisa, be mine." It wasn't a question.

"I've been yours since the day I dialed the wrong number." Lisa replied.


NOTE: Sequel to this book is up :)

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