8. Dreary

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The north is a dreary place especially winterfell. Especially when the lord and lady stark are constantly at each others throats.

Catelyn did never quite forgive Ned for the affair but they tried to get along at least be civil in public, it was so early in their marriage both boys about the same age, within the same year... it hurt her, that her husband was unfaithful so soon and to man up and take the bastard child! Unbelievable! Why couldn't he just claim it wasn't his like every other noble? Also the fact that Ned had brought back Everly, Everly doted on Jon, all the children but treated Jon as though he was Everly's own son.

Catelyn tried her best to keep Jon away from her and Her children but as jon got older he was less avoidable. Catelyn thought that since ned had a bastard at winterfell two more wouldn't matter. So when lords came visiting and Ned was other preoccupied Catelyn had her own fun. She thought ned was ignorant to her disloyalty but he wasn't. He hadn't touched her in years of course he knew. But Catelyn tried to keep up pleasantries when company were around. For Lord stark was the most honorable man and lady Stark was a gem hidden away in the north, at least that was what Catelyn thought the world though of her.

Only a peck on the cheek here or there or when company was present, to which ned had to withhold a cringe every time her lips touched him in the slightest, he was loyal to Everly. They rarely spoke, but the addition of the royal family was going to be a welcomed distraction from their usual bickering.

'Lord Stark... Mi'lady, the guardsmen just rode in from the hills they caught a deserter from the nights watch.'

'Get the lads to settle their horses.' Ned told Theon and he headed off.

'Do you have to?' Catelyn asked incredulously

'He swore an oath Catelyn.' Ned reminded her.

'The laws, the law mi'lady.'

'Tell Bran he is coming to.' ned added.

'Ned. 10 is too young to see such things.' Catelyn informed him.

'He won't be a boy forever,' Ned reminded her, 'and winter is coming.' He said walking off. He saw Everly with the boys in the courtyard. She ran a hand through jons hair before rubbing circles in his back as Bran failed to shook an arrow yet again.

Bran shot and missed. Bran didn't have the knack for archery, or swords, or anything really besides climbing he was an excellent climber.

'Go on fathers watching.' Jon told him and they looked up to the balcony to see Ned and Catelyn looking down at them. 'and your mother.' Jon added. Bran pulled back the bow but he missed it went flying into the trees. The boys laughed while Everly got him another arrow.

'You are doing great, it just takes practice.' Everly assured brushing his hair from his eyes as she helped him get into form. Jon had learned archery and taught Everly, she loved that he loved her, even not knowing who she was so Everly helped Bran.

'Which one of you as a marksman at 10?' Ned called down and Everly smiled up at him a special smile reserved just for him. 'Go on.' Ned said watching them.

'don't think too much.' Jon told Bran adjusting his grip.

'Relax your bow arm.' Robb told him and Jon pushed down his elbow, guiding his hand back, a arrow hit the target but it wasn't from Bran's bow Arya stood behind victoriously bran chased after her. a laugh escaped Everly lips as she watched them and that smile made Ned smile.

Jon saw the way Ned stared at Everly, smiled at her, stood closer to her, holding her hand when Ned thought no one was watching. Jon couldn't help but hope that Everly was his mother but they had told him his mother died. Why lie?

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