31. Warrior princess

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'Go away!' Arya shouted

'Arya open the door,' Ned requested, she begrudgingly got up needle in hand, 'may I come in?' he questioned coming into her room closing the door behind him. 'Arya who's sword is that?'

'It's mine' arya told him.

'Give it to me,' Ned requested holding his hands 'I know this makers mark,' he noted 'this is mickers work. Where did you get this?' she didn't answer. 'This is no toy.' Ned reminded her 'a little lady shouldn't play with swords.'

'I wasn't playing and I don't want to be a lady!' arya exclaimed. 'I want to be a knight!'

'Come here...' Ned said patting the bench at the end of the bed as he took a seat. 'What do you want with this?' Ned question holding her sword up

'It's called needle,' she corrected

'a blade with a name... And who are you hoping to skewer with needle your sister? You know the first thing but sword fighting-'

'Stick them with the pointy end,' she told him

'Yes that's the essence of it.' He laughed. His little Arya was going to be a warrior.

'I was trying to learn...' She told him 'I asked Mika to practice with me. I asked him it was my fault-'

'Oh sweet girl no no you did not kill the butchers boy.' Ned reminded her.

'I hate them I hate all of them, the hound, the king and the queen and Joffrey and Sansa. I hate all of them!' arya declared

'Sansa went before the king and queen and was asked to call the prince a liar.' Ned told her.

'So? He is a liar!' Arya told her father.

'shush my sweet girl, sansa will be married to Joffrey someday. She cannot betray him she must take his side even when he was wrong.' Ned informed her.

'But how can you let her marry someone like that?' Arya questioned

'Look at me, you are a stark of Winterfell, you know our words?'

'Winter is coming.' Arya recited.

'You were born in a long summer you have never known anything else but winter is coming.' Ned informed her. 'we must protect ourselves. Look after one other, Sansa is your sister.'

'I don't hate her' she admitted 'not really.'

'I do not want to frighten you but I won't lie to either, we have come to a dangerous place we cannot fight a war amongst ourselves.' he handed her back needle 'go on this is yours.'

'I can keep it? 'She said happily

'Try not to stab your sister with it,' Ned told her 'if you're going to own a sword you're going to need to know how to use it.'


'There was a warrior princess-'

'A warrior princess?' Arya asked incredulously

'Oh yes she was brave and beautiful. Had the brains and the skills she was a force to be reckoned with,' everly assured 'you don't believe me? Why would i lie to my favorite girl?'

'Go on then.' arya said settling in

'Well she was to marry for political power but the prince was mean and wicked. The princess had other plans.'

'I think I like this story.' Arya admitted.

'I thought you might. So the princess, she was not going to marry this awful prince she was a princess and she had higher standards. She didn't care if he was handsome or what title he held for his heart was corrupt she was not going to rely on anyone else she was going to be her own savior.'

'She kills the prince!' arya declared happily, Ned peered in he went back to check on Arya after their talk but of course Everly was already there, the biggest of smiles on arya's face.

'That was the goal.' Everly admitted with a mischievous look 'He wanted to steal what made her special, to steal her freedom, steal her power, steal her kingdom but with the prince did not know was that the princess was a warrior. She had more bravery and courage than any man in the kingdom it didn't matter her size or her age for she knew what was right and she wasn't going to let anyone stop her.'

'Did she kill him?'

'Well...' Everly let out a yawn 'I think its bedtime.'

'No!' arya moaned.

'I will tell you more tomorrow.' everly assured.

'Could i be a warrior lady?' Arya questioned

'You can be whatever you want. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You are a brilliant girl arya you are destined for greatness.' Everly assured her.

'How do you know?'

'I just know.' Everly assured.

'Everly,' arya laughed

'I know because I can see your heart.' Everly told her. 'It is pure and good and determined you my little warrior are so brave you are going to have the world in your grasp.' Everly kissed aryas head before getting up.

'Goodnight ms everly,' arya told her and everly opened her mouth to echo her when she saw aryas sword peeking out. Arya pulled it free. 'Jon gave it me.' Arya told her.

'It's beautiful.' Everly told her

'Jon's my favorite.' arya admitted. 'You and jon.'

'You and jon are my favorites too.' Everly admitted. 'And bran and rickon and robb when he was little was so cute-'

'Ms Everly,' arya said laughing and she leaned in

'But mainly you and jon.' Everly whispered. 'Good night my little warrior princess.'

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