43. You look good

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'I'm sending you two back to Winterfell." Ned told sansa and Arya.

"What!" Sansa declared furiously, "What about Joffrey?"

"Are you dying because of your leg?" Arya questioned.

"Please, father. Please don't." Sansa's voice wavered with panic. 'Everly don't let him do this!' Everly shook her head, Ned was sending them all away for their protection but what of him? What of his safety?

"You can't! I've got my lessons with Syrio. I'm finally getting good." Arya exclaimed. They didn't understand the severity of the situation, Everly didn't want them to know all of it but now she thought hiding the truth from them, sparing them from the gory details was making them ignorant to the real world.

"This isn't a punishment." Ned assured them. "I want you back in Winterfell, for your own safety."

"Can we take Syrio back with us?"

"Who cares about your stupid dancing teacher? I can't go. I'm supposed to marry Prince Joffrey. I love him and I'm meant to be his Queen and have his babies."

"Seven hells." Ned muttered. "When you're old enough, I'll make you a match with someone who's worthy of you, someone who's brave and gentle and strong."

'That's right,' Everly agreed. 'you can do so much better.'

"I don't want someone brave and gentle and strong. I want him!" Sansa declared "He'll be the greatest king that ever was, a golden lion, and I'll give him sons with beautiful blonde hair." Sansa went on.

"The lion's not his sigil, idiot. He's a stag, like his father." Arya said matter of factly.

"No he's not. He's nothing like that drunk king." Sansa declared.

'Do you hear yourself my dear?" everly questioned. 'You don't want someone brave and gentle and strong? You want him?' Sansa stared at her defiantly. 'Find someone honorable like your father, not someone that's only redeeming quality is his golden hair.' Everly told her but sansa crossed her arms over her chest turning her cheek. Everly looked over at Ned as he let out a deep sigh.

"Come girls. Go pack." Ned told them to which they shouted louder in objection.

'Don't argue with your father.' Everly told them.

'Go, stop arguing and pack.' Ned demanded and had their Septa take them back to their chambers to pack. 'You are going too.' Ned reminded her.

'I know.' She whispered kissing him softly.

"I don't want you to.' Ned told her. 'but it is the only way to keep you safe.'

'I know.' She repeated. 'but I would rather be here with you than anywhere else.'


'They butchered them as if they were animals they covered our children and pigs and let them on fire. They weren't thieves they didn't steal nothing they even left something behind your grace.'

'He is the king's hand you are addressing not the king' Pycelle said 'the king is hunting.' The man stepped forward dumping out a bag filled with fish.

'Fish... they sigil of house Tully.' Petyr noted. 'Isn't that your wife's house Tully?' Petyr knowing full well it was with a smug look on his face.

'These men were they flying a banner?'

'No you're... Hand. the Man leading them was taller than any man by at least a foot taller than any man I've ever met,' the man told Ned. 'the blacksmiths saw them take the head off the horse with a single swing of her sword.'

'That sounds like someone we know. The mountain.' Petyr clarified.

'You are describing ser Gregor Clegane.' Ned confirmed.

'Why would ser Gregor turn though he is an honored knight?' Pyselle said and Sandor scoffed.

'Honored.' Sandor muttered and Everly looked back to see sandor staring down at her.

'Hello Sandor, you look well.' Everly told him.

'Your man fits that role well.' Sandor remarked nodding to ned on the throne and Everly looked back up to him.

'He does, doesn't he?' Everly agreed, Ned looked good up there.

'I heard him called Tywin Lannister's mad dog.' Petyr told them 'I'm sure you have as well. Can you think of any reason the lannisters might be angry with your wife?'

'If the Lannister's were to order an attack under the kings protection it would be-' Pycelle said cautiously.

'It would be almost as brazen as attacking the hand of the king in the streets.' Petyr informed him.

'Well...' Pycelle said awkwardly, he was loyal to the Lannister above all else. Not Varys or little finger, not a stark that was for sure.

'I cannot give you back your homes or restore your livestock but perhaps I can give you justice in the name of our King Robert. Lord Berick Dondarrion. You should have the command send 100 men and ride to Ser Gregor Clegane.'

'As you command.' Beric agreed. Ned stood up cane in hand, taking shaky steps forward.

'In the name of Robert of the house Baratheon the first of his name king of the Andals and the first man lord of the seven kingdoms and the protector of the realm I charge you to bring the kings justice to the false knight Gregor Clegane and all those who shared his crimes. I denounce him I detained him I strip him of all ranks and titles of all lands and holdings and sentenced him to death,' Ned said confidently, Everly heard sandor chuckled from behind her.

'My Lord this is a drastic action.' Pycelle informed him, 'it would be better to wait for King Roberts return.'

'Send a raven the castlery rock, master pycelle, inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court to answer for the crimes of his Bannerman. He will arrive within the Fortnight or we branded an enemy of the crown and a traitor to the realm.' Ned informed them, he nodded to Beric and he was off.

'A bold move my lord and admirable.' Petyr said 'but is it wise to yank the lions tail he is the most powerful man in the seven kingdoms?' Petyr smirked 'Gold wins wars not soldiers' Petyr added

'Then how come Robert is King? And not Tywin Lannister?' Ned questioned as Everly came up to him to help him back to his room.

'I have to admit,' Everly whispered as he used her to support himself. 'You looked good up there.'

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