12. Royal prick

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Lord Aryn is dead. The king is coming to winterfell.

'Is everything prepared for the royal family?' catelyn snapped as she snapped orders at servants and guards preparing.

'why are you asking me? That's not my job.' ned reminded her his eyes drifting around to find Everly, of course she was with Jon. Jon and Ghost were in the courtyard and Everly and Jon were training him. Ghost was the most obedient of the pups and Ned knew why. Summer and shaggy dog were next because Bran and Rickon had asked Everly for help. They all loved their pups so desperately wanted to keep them and prove they could but the younger two were struggling, Everly was more than happy to help.

'must we argue? They will be here any day now, we must at least pretend we are an undivided front.' catelyn reminded him. Ned stared a harsh gaze upon her. 'you really are useless, incompetent, imbecile.' she muttered leaving. Ned scoffed as she left.

He clenched his fists in front of him, he would never hit a women but catelyns actions tempted him. He could already see it was going to be a long day of arguing with himself until he heard Everly laughing with the children. She always put a smile on his face.

'Get cleaned up!' Catelyn spat down to the boys. 'NOW!" she shouted. 'I don't ask again.' Catelyn gaze turned to Everly, a smile on her lips as she corralled the boys inside.

'She did ask.' Theon murmured. 'she shouted at us, a big difference. Right Everly?" Theon questioned.

'You heard Lady Stark,' Everly said sweetly. 'Lets get you boys looking sharp for the royal family.' She coed, Jon wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked.

'See Everly is the sweetest, she has never once yelled breaking my ear drum.' Theon added and Everly couldn't help the smile on her lips. Catelyn's children and their ward Theon adored Everly.

'Ms. Everly,' their barber, Andy said as she lead the boys in. She twirled the ends of jon's hair in her fingers.

"I think Jon needs a trim, its getting a bit long.' Everly said and Jon smiled back at her.

'You want to do it to your liking Ms. Everly?' Andy questioned holding out a pair of scissors. Everly smiled as Theon sat with Andy. The boys removed their shirts as Everly trimmed Jon's hair running her fingers through his hair, measuring the length and evening it out.

'No fair.' Theon whined at Andy grabbed his head with a harsh grip. 'Jon gets gorgeous Everly's hands over him while I get andy?" Theon said looking to Jon a content smile on his face. Andy grabbed Theon's face again.

'Stop moving of I'm going to slip and chop your nose off.' Andy warned and Theon sat silent and still.

'Theon be nice, Andy is a wonderful barber.' Everly said offering Andy a smile.

'Sure sure, but I would rather have your pretty little hands-' Theon began and jon picked up his shirt from his lap, balling it in his hand and throwing it at theon.

'Watch it boy.' Andy warned.

'SNOW!" Theon shouted. 'hes gonna chop my nose off!" Everly trilled her fingers against Jon's shoulders as he smirked over at Theon.

'You wanna shave him too?" Andy questioned, 'he doesn't sit that still for me.' he remarked.

'Yeah Everly,' Jon agreed, Robb and Theon watched as Everly ran the blade gently along Jon's face, shaving away the stubble.

'I think you look more like your father with a bit of stubble.' Everly remarked softly as she shaved away the last bit. 'But still so handsome.' Everly confirmed.

'Me next!" Robb declared but Andy pulled him down to his chair.

'I have to check on your sisters.' Everly said giving Jon's shoulder a squeeze before heading out. The boys watched her go.

'Why is your mother dead set on us looking pretty for the King?' Jon asked as their faces were shaved clean their hair cut nicely.

'It's for the queen I bet.' Theon said

'I hear the prince is a right royal prick.' Robb added with a smirk. 

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