42. Run the kingdom

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'Oh my god.' Everly sobbed, as Ned lay motionless heavily dosed on milk of the poppy for the pain as the maester's attended to his wounds. 'Is he... he is going to be alright... right?" Everly whimpered.

'Should heal with time.' He assured her and Everly sat at the edge of the bed she refused to leave him unless she was checking on the girls. When Ned woke up his vision hazy as everything came back to him.

'Ned!" Everly declared hugging him.

"Everly.' He rasped and she got him some water. 'Thank you.' She helped him bring the glass to his lips.

'What happened?" everly whispered kissing his face all over.

'Jaime Lannister attacked, wanting his brother back.' Ned told her stiffly as he tried to move but the pain in his leg was searing, Everly urged him to stay down.

'But you didn't take him.' Everly whispered as he eased her down next to him. She ran a gentle hand along his stomach as he traced a hand down her back. 'The girls are alright, scared but alright.' Everly told him.

'Good and you?'

"I was so worried about you Ned.' Everly whispered.

'I had a dream that you were pregnant, please tell me it wasn't a dream.' Ned begged his hand sliding to her waist.

'It wasn't a dream.' She confirmed.

'A baby.' He whispered closing his eyes as he held her closer.

'Our baby.' She confirmed.

'We cant stay here.' Ned told her.

'I figured as much.' Everly agreed. There was a knock on the door and Everly quickly got up she moved to the door to answer it. The king and queen came in.

'Pardon your grace I would rise but-' ned adjusted in bed

'Do you know what your wife has done?' Cersei questioned incredulously. Ned remained silent

'I didn't think she had it in her.' robert laughed, Everly looked over at Ned, she didn't want to leave him. She didn't know what Cersei was capable of.

'How dare she lay hands on my blood!' cersei spat.

'I am the kings hand I was keeping the peace.' ned reminded her

'You were the kings hand.' cersei corrected. 'You will be held accountable-'

'Will both of shut your mouths!' Robert shouted. 'Catelyn will release tyrion and you will make your peace with Jaime.'

'he butchered my men.' Ned reminded him defensively.

'Lord stark was returning drunk from a brothel when he attacked Jaime.' Cersei told Robert. Everly knew that wasn't true. She knew Ned and he didn't go to brothels. Just because the king was fond of whores didn't mean every man in the capital was.

'Quiet woman,' Robert sneered.

'Jaime has fled the city.' Ned remarked. 'Give me leave to bring him back to justice.'

'Justice, how dare you talk to the king-' cersei spat.

'Hold your tongue.' Robert demanded.

'He attacked one brother and taken the other I should wear the armor and you the gown.' Cersei told Robert and he slapped her across the face. 'I shall wear this like a badge of honor.'

'wear it in silence or I will honor you again.' Robert threatened as cersei stormed out.

'see what she does to me my loving wife... I should not have hit her, that was not... that was not kingly.'

''if we don't act, there will be a war.' Ned told Robert.

'So tell your wife to return that little shit of an imp to kings landing. You hear me send a raven and put an end to it!' Robert demanded.

'what of Jaime Lannister?' ned questioned his gaze kept flickering to Everly standing silently in the back of the room.

'What about Jaime?' Robert said. 'I'm half a kingdom in debt to his father. I don't know what happened between you and those yellow haired shits and I don't want to know. This is what matters. I can't rule the kingdoms if the starks and lannisters are at each other's throats.'

'Robert we need to talk,' ned said.

'No I am sick of talk, I am going on a hunt tomorrow; whatever you have to tell me can wait until I return.' Robert assured him.

'What are you doing about Daenerys Targaryen?' ned questioned softly.

"Don't worry about that, it is done.' robert informed him. 'the last of the targaryens will be dead.' He spat and Ned swallowed the lump in his throat.

'of course... as you wish your grace. With your permission I will take my leave and return to winterfell.'

'piss on that.' Robert told him. 'send a raven, I want you to stay. I am the king I get what I want. I never loved my brothers,' he admitted 'sad thing for a man to admit but it's true. You were the brother I chose.'

'why Robert? Why do you want me as Hand if you do not listen to my advice?' ned questioned

'Somebody has to run the kingdom.' Robert said honestly. 'you're the hand again, you take this off again and I pin it to Jaime fucking Lannister.' Robert told him throwing the hand pin down onto the bed. Everly closed the door behind Robert.

"We have to get out of the capital, you and the girls. It is not safe here.' Ned told her.

"I wont leave you.' Everly told him.

"You must.' Everly shook her head.

'I'm with you, til the end.' Everly told him confidently. 

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