Mafia's Obsession: Birthday week

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Author's p.o.v

"Tell me, do you feel the love?"

Y/n was humming double take while watering the plants, her favourite plants. She clearly remember when Taehyung asked for her favourite flowers and she told him that she likes white rose and tulips

She smiled at the memory until her phone rang. She picked up the call

Y/n: Heyy!!

Taehyung: Hey babygirl, what are you doing?

Y/n: (blushes) I am  watering the tulips. What about you?

Taehyung: Nothing just missing my love. (Whines) I don't wanna be away from you!! I wanna come to youu!!

Y/n: Taehyung (stern) I told you that, your work is your priority. You shouldn't miss your work. Should You??

Y/n: And on top of that, I'll be coming to the office for lunch. Okay?

Taehyung: Sure ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ.

Y/n:(blushes) Bye.

I cut the call and put away the the watering pot and went inside.

Martha: Young Miss?

Y/n: Yes, Martha?

Martha: Uhm.. My grand-daughter is sick and As you know Justin don't have a mum and her father is quite busy-

Y/n: Martha.. You don't need to tell me your situation. It's important that Your Grand-Daughter is sick and I understand, You should go to her and visit her.

Martha: Thank You Young Miss.

Y/n: No need to Thank You. I understand your point, You must go snd stay with her for a few days.

Martha: Bu-

Y/n: I'll handle everything here. Don't worry.

Martha: Sure Young Miss.

Y/n: Btw.. Martha..?

Martha: Yes?

Y/n: When's Taehyung's Birthday?

Martha: Master's Birthday is on 30th December. Why?

Y/n: .... What? You mean After a week?!

Martha: Yes Miss Why?

Y/n: Ah.. Nothing. You can go to your Grand-daughter.

I went up to our bedroom..

Heckaroni...his birthday is after a week.. Hmm... what should I do? To make his birthday full of joy and affection?.

Let's check the calendar when's the day of his birthday.

Oh.. his birthday is on friday.. and today is Saturday...

Today is Saturday....


Well... let's take this matter normally like a human.. and make notes what to do to make his birthday week special..

Time skip.

Taehyung: Finally! You are heree! *Hugs You and pecks your forehead*

Y/n: Hey Tae.. look I made Lunch!

Tae:*Dark Look* You made Lunch? Where was Martha?

Y/n: Well.. she is with her Grand-Daughter Justin.. Tae.. Justin is sick.. I gave a week leave.

Taehyung: Babe.. what are you talking about?

Y/n: Look Tae, I can make food for you and I am bored in this huge house. That's why.. Even Yeontan is with me but still.. i get bored... pleasee.

Taehyung: Fine. If you say so, speaking of Yeontan.. Did you bring him here?

Y/n: Yeshhh I did..  hehe look at him so cute.

Taehyung: Indeed he is. Come here Tan come to papa.

Tan: *Woof* *Woof*

Author P.o.v

After that they had lunch and Y/n slept on his couch with Tan snuggling on her chest.

Taehyung: So lucky. *He muttered looking at Y/n and his dog*

Taehyung was working and suddenly Y/n woke up.

Taehyung: Baby? What happend? Why you woke up so suddenly?

Y/n: Tae tae.. I need cuddles.  pwease.

Taehyung: Sure love.

                  Time skip.

Currently Taehyung and Y/n are watching tangled (The movie)

Y/n: Rapunzel and maximus is so cute.!!. Aack! I can't (Squealing and looking at the movie with big doe eyes)

Taehyung: (smiles) Y/n?

Y/n: Hm?(stuffs her face with popcorn) Twll mwe?
Taehyung: Aish! (Pinches her cheeks)

Y/n: yah! (Cutely chomp on the popcorn) Don't! Pwease... (Looks at him with Innocent and cute eyes)

Taehyung: Let's sleep Love?

Y/n: Yesh..! I am (Yawns) Swwepy... (Yawns again)

Taehyung: Let's go then. (Picks her up in bridal style and takes her to their room)

Taehyung puts her on the bed and kisses her forehead.

Taehyung: Sleep well mí amòr. (My love)

Y/n: Tae tae sleep with me.

Taehyung: I am coming my love.  Wait a minute.

Taehyung took of his sweat shirt and hop on the bed and grabbed her close to himself and they both slept together.


Sorry for being so damn late. I am just so stupid.  I thought I uploaded the chapter but I didn't and my phone broke. I got the phone  Yesterday and opened my new phone and transferred all the things and saw I didn't update the story. So sorry for that. Apologies.

Tell me how was the chapter?

If you liked it.. then make sure to vote and comment. 

Also tell me do you want any smut? Like... I mean you all do but still tell me. I'll be waiting.

Till then Stay Safe and take care.


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