Mafia's Obsession Chap#04

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Jennie; Boss they are here.

I gulped and starting sobbing and taehyung saw me

Taehyung; you both hurted her and now you are gonna pay!

Y/d: It's okay panda, go stop him only you can stop him!

I went to him and quickly backhugged him and said

Y/n: Plea-pleas-e st-stop tae- taehyung

Taehyung's p.o.v

I was hitting them like crazy and how dare they hit my baby I won't let touch my baby and they hit them (author: Uffff... soo much obsession my God (Allah) okay back to the Fanfic)

I was hitting the next bodyguard and someone backhugged me and I was so shocked after a while she spoke (remember guys Y/n has an angelic voice but tae thought she is Jennie)

Y/n: Please Tae stop hitting them...

Taehyung: Leave me Jennie you have a boyfriend!

He threw me and I hissed in pain

Y/n: Dad!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh(crying) it hurts dad so baddd!

Y/d: Baby! Where does it hurts?

Y/n: Whole body dadddd(I screamed)

                                                                          Your dead Author p.o.v

Taehyung relised what he did and quickly went to Y/n and hugged her tightly. And our crybaby said

Y/n: Taehyung it's okay just leave me it hurts a lot

Taehyung picked Y/n up and went out of his basement to her bedroom 


the pics and vids are not mine the credit goes to the right owners and don't mind the video at the starting only the storyline is mine 

Vote:) and comment:)


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