Mafia's obsession ch#8

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Tae:What is your sirname
Y/n: My real name is Min Y/n

I never got so shocked hearing this so I am going to tell yoongi about this.
For now it's really early I want to sleep with my baby
Tae: it's ok honey bunch let's go and sleep now it's really early.
Y/n:( by sniffing) let's go I am sleepy now again......
I picked her up and went to bed

ime skip---- 8:30 am🌞
                   Jennie p.o.v
I am now walking to taehyung's bedroom to dress up miss Y/n
I knocked the door
Jen:Sir(no response)
Jen:Sir?(no answer)
I opened the door and saw

Boss sleeping peacefully with his soon-to-be wife Y/n
I quickly went downstairs and called the members.
Jen: Guys come over here I need to discuss something
J.k: what happened honey is  is everything ok why are you shouting?
Jen: you won't believe what I saw I saw was sleeping with his soon-to-be wife Y/n.
Suga: what how come Taehyung is sleeping. You must be lying jennnie
Jen: no believe me I saw him sleeping with Y/n and if you don't believe me then look come with me.
Jin: Fine lets believe your    lie
Jen: follow me now
I went upstairs with boys and opened the door at at the wring moment they shouted
Tae:Good morning guts how was your night?
J.k: Y-you w--e-re sleepin-ng.
Tae: So can't I sleep with my baby
     Suga's p.o.v
I saw her my princess my baby my bubbles my sweet lil sister
To be continue

Okay this story ctedit goes to me bcoz it's trash and i dont own the vids and photos and next week its ep#09 the....... haha now wait..😏😏😏 bye lovies and peace out🕊🕊

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