Mafia's Obsession: Birthday.

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This chapter is going to be quite long. Good luck reading.

Mafia's obsession: Birthday

Author's P.o.v
It's 6:30 in the morning, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping and soft wind is being blown making Taehyung smile and tighten his grip on Y/n in his sleep, while Y/n is wide awake thinking what to do during this week.
She got up from the bed which made Taehyung frown and Y/n frightened.
She quickly grabbed a cushion from the couch and placed where she was before.

Taehyung grabbed the cushion and kissed it before mumbling

Taehyung: My lil baby.

Y/n p.o.v

Huff that was super close. Anyway, let's find the paper where I kept it. Aish where did I kept that damn paper??!

Y/n: Aha! Found you. (Whispered while looking at the paper) Hm.. let's see.. *smiles* I should do this.

I put the paper back in the couch drawer and made myself towards Taehyung's direction.

I took away the cushion from him and
made him sleep over me.

Like this:

Like this:

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I kissed on top of his head and kept caressing his hair when I thought came into my mind.

*Do I love him?*

Wait.. I think I do... but this is so quick... should I ask Jennie Unnie? Or maybe even Better Jisoo? I don't know... Maybe I can ask this from both of them.. but first let me take care of this big bear. Big bear?!- where this came from.!?

Taehyung: Uhm.... (moans in his sleep) Baby.... good morning (In his husky deep voice) What am I doing over you?

Y/n: Good morning Big Bear. (Kisses his hair and forehead) How did your sleep went?

Taehyung: It went pretty amazing since I was over you. (Puts his head deeper into your boobs🗿💀)

Y/n: (kept caressing his hair with a blush on her face) Tae?

Taehyung: Yes, My love?

Y/n: Get ready. You have to go to your office.  Hurry up, Get of me!

Taehyung: Hmm.. baby no, don't push daddy off. Bad habit.

Y/n: YAH! Taehyung! WHAT THE HEL- (Squeals) what was that for?! (Whines)

Taehyung: This is for Cursing. (Pinches her nipple again) And this is for shouting.( pats her ass) Now be a good girl and call me daddy.

Y/n: What..? (Squeals) owie... what was that for?..

Taehyung: Call me. Should I pinch your nipples again or slap your ass again..?

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