Chap that I dont know

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Just written
Taehyung's pov
I woke up and didn't saw my baby I started calling her
Tae: angel angel baby honey bunch where are you? Oh gosh don't tell me she escaped.
I quickly went to the bathroom and didn't saw her I went to the Wardrobe anddidnt saw her   I went to the balcony and saw her body  was facing the sky I quickly went to her and back hug her she flinched and said
Y/n: yah you  dumbo jisoo stay away from me don't touch me u have a boyfriend but I dont know know why u are doing this?
Tae: baby relax you shouldn't be uncomfortable around your soon to be hubby
Y/n: oh it's you I thought it was jisoo she always do that I don't know she has a boyfriend name mark but I don't know why she always do that? Never mind but tell me why are you here it's 5 a.m. in the morning and why are you awake?
Tae: baby girl you know that I can't sleep without you I have the same phobia like you so that's why but by the way why are you here?
But what she said blow up my whole mind I couldn't understand what you are speaking Achcha To farci bolegi English
Y/n: oh I am here to meet my parents.
Tae: ok wait what??????
Y/n: yeah  those Baek adopted me me and my parents are dead actually they used to abuse me...
Tae: what the f*ck? Your
real parents used to abuse you!!!
Y/n: hahahaha(laughs her ass off) no dummy I was just joking hahaha..
Tae: well done what's your real name? I mean you are surname if your parents are dead and the baeks adopted you
Y/n: when my real name is

Min Y/n.......

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