Mafia's Obsession Chap #03

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???: Don't you dare, Baby girl!

We all got froze except from that guy who said

???: I am gonna make you my toy A.k.a my slave because I have someone in my heart. And her name is...

And what that guy said kept my mouth open and jaw dropped

???: and her name is Y/n. my sweet Baek Y/n. wait a minute you guys are also Baek right?

Y/d: Yes Mr.taehyung, Ms. Jennie and Mr. Jimin

Y/n: Jimin? Jimi-- Jimin! (Whispers)

2 years back

Y/n's p.o.v

???: Yah! Y/n Jimin is coming!

Y/n: Yes, I know Lisa just have to put this letter!

Lisa: Y/n, Y/n! Jimin!

You quickly turn around and saw Jimin coming towards you and ran away

Lisa: Yah! Y/n wait for me!

Y/n: OMG saved my ass!

After that Jimin joined Taehyung's gang and went to America and dated Taehyung's sister.


Taehyung's p.o.v

When that girl turned around my eyes got wide, it was my baby my love my Y/n and pretty bruised up

Me: Y/n! (I quickly went to her and hugged her and she hissed in pain)

Y/n's p.o.v

I turned around and my eyes got widened it was our regular costumer(basically tae always went their to meet Y/n) and he's a mafia, I got intruped by someone giving me a bone crashing hug and I hissed in pain b'coz those bloody bodyguards hurted me so badly he left me and said

Taehyung: Love, who hurted you?

I was so scared to respond and I moved back and ran behind my appa's (dads) back

Y/n: its okay panda he's not gonna hurt you!

Taehyung: Sweetheart, come here

I shook my head

Jennie:  Boss they are here.

Thanks for reading the video is not mine the credit goes to the right owner(Samsung) 

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