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Hey Everyone, I am so sorry from my behalf that I left you all for more then a year. My wattpad, actually was not working. In our country, wattpad was shut down due to some reasons. I don't know, anyway... This book is slowly coming to an end and I have a new book which I need to introduce, it will be at the end. Till then, enjoy this new chapter and I will try my best to frequent and give you guys wholesome and long chapters. Thank you,
You are reading:
Mafia's Obsession: Kiddnaped and Revenge.

Y/n P.o.v:
I woke up in discomfort and saw Yeontan sitting on top of me while looking at me deeply.
Y/n: Morning Tannie.
Yeontan: "Woof." (Morning Hooman and give me food.)
I looked at my side, just to see nothing. Where is this guy? Just as I was about to take my phone, I saw a sticky note message:

Good Morning Sweetheart, I hope you are not angry on me that I left in the morning without waking you up, but darling. It was an emergency, i told you yesterday that our security room got burned down, so I and Yoongi Hyung had to go early in the morning. Eat your breakfast and get dolled up, I'll pick you up.

Awh, so cute.
I got up from the bed, showered and freshened up. I changed and went downstairs to make my breakfast + Lunch.

The aroma of lunch filled the air as the female lead, Y/n, hummed while chopping vegetables.

Unbeknownst to her, shadows lurked outside the kitchen window. Suddenly, a masked figure descended from the window, a chilling silence accompanying their entry. Swiftly and silently, the intruder incapacitated the guards posted around the house, leaving a trail of unconscious bodies in their wake. As Y/n stirred a pot on the stove, she felt a shiver down her spine, sensing an ominous presence that had breached the once serene atmosphere.

As Y/n turned to investigate the uneasy feeling, her eyes widened in terror at the sight of the masked intruder standing in the doorway. A sinister smile played on the kidnapper's lips as they revealed a glinting blade, sending a cold shiver through the room. Frozen with fear, Y/n's attempts to scream were stifled by the realization that her once-secure haven had become a nightmarish scene.

The intruder, moving with calculated precision, advanced towards her, extinguishing any hope of escape in the chilling silence that now enveloped the kitchen.

Y/n's heart pounded as she sprinted through the darkened corridors, desperately seeking refuge from her pursuer. The adrenaline-fueled fear propelled her forward until, breathless, she found a secluded spot to hide.

Huddled in the shadows, Y/n's breaths came in shallow gasps as she tried to muffle her anxious sobs. However, the ominous footsteps drew closer, shattering the illusion of safety. The kidnapper, relentless, discovered her hiding place.

Kidnapper: "Thought you could escape, did you?"

Y/n, fueled by a mix of fear and defiance, lashed out verbally.

Y/n: "You'll regret this! Let me go, you monster!"

Enraged by her resistance, the kidnapper's patience wore thin, culminating in a sharp, resounding slap across Y/n's face. The stinging pain silenced her momentarily, the shock and hurt evident in her eyes.

Kidnapper: "You should learn to keep that mouth of yours shut."

As the reality of her situation sunk in, Y/n's defiance morphed into a silent determination to endure and find an opportunity to escape the clutches of her captor.

Y/n's consciousness faded like a distant whisper as darkness overcame her. She found herself in a haze, awareness slipping away. Unbeknownst to her, Jackson swiftly and callously lifted her unconscious form, placing her in the back seat of a nondescript car.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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