Mafia's obsession chapter #02

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Now playing: Girls like you

  Meanwhile Taehyung's


We were tracking for Exo b'coz he's our enemy and we went downstairs to the 'BAEK' to see tem bc they betrayed us both of them!

I went straight to the basement and I heard a yell

???: Mom! What are you doing in a Mafia's house??

Mrs.Baek: What? Huh how'd you know?

I took the phone and answered it

Me: Don't worry baby girl your mother is fine with me and wait for me I'm coming!

Before she could say anything I cutted the phone and told my bodyguards to get her.

Y/n's p.o.v

I changed into this and made my hair into a long ponytail

I changed into this and made my hair into a long ponytail

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I went downstairs and those bodyguard took me somewhere I guess that so-called mafia's house or should say mansion

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I went downstairs and those bodyguard took me somewhere I guess that so-called mafia's house or should say mansion

Time skip

Taehyung's mansion

I gulped in nervousness not b'coz of that so-called mafia but scared what he had done to my parents (you have some little guts inside of you innocent soul)

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