Chapter One: The quirk incident

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Authors note: Hi!!!! 𖨆  Thank you for reading :)) I started this because I was daydreaming and had so many headcanons/aus and was like "why not just put these in wattpad lol" so here we are haha hope you enjoy reading this ~ lots of love.. sumi <33

Izuku gets hit with a quirk that turns him into his 5 year old self.. since Katsuki is the only person Izuku recognises, he is assigned "babysitter" of Izuku. Each chapter will be a different day/scenario.. I'll update when I can, I hope u enjoy <33

Ever since UA introduced the "practise patrol" program, all first year, hero course students would partake in practise patrol sessions with their dedicated interns. The patrol would last no more than an hour, and once each agency's hour was up they'd swap with another.

It was nice and sunny today, the streets were not too busy and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Izuku and Shoto were the first to patrol that morning under the supervision of Endeavours agency, they made their way down to the town centre of Musutafu where they'd begin their patrol.

Izuku: "It's a lot quieter than usual, I wonder if there's an event going on today?"

Shoto: "I don't know, I thought it was always this quiet"

Endeavour: "No, your friend is right it is a lot less busy in the streets than it usually is.. keep an eye out boys.."

Endeavour checks his surroundings and takes lead of patrol, with the boys following on behind him. Shoto rolls his eyes at his fathers sudden actions unaware of the man following behind them.


The three swiftly turn around to find a tall man with long dark hair, long enough to cover his eyes but not his cheshire-like grin.
He aims his arms up at Endeavour and a blast of energy is released from his palms. Endeavour dodges the blast with ease as he's dealt with petty villains like this one plenty of times before.

Endeavour: "So he has an emitter quirk.. Alright boys! This seems like our first job of the morning, are you ready?"

"YEAH" exclaimed Izuku and Shoto in unison. The pair began to make their way towards the villain. The mysterious man became aware of this and shot another blast from his palms, Shoto generated an ice wall to protect the civilians and Izuku used 'black whip' to elevate himself into the air in hopes of landing a blow on the villain.

This villain seemed to have one objective only; and that was to target Endeavour, however the pro was too skilled to be targeted so easily, therefore the villain sought his way around the situation to target one of the two boys he was accompanied with, surely there's a reason he's with the two boys, they must have some relationship with the pro.

And so the villain began aiming his blasts towards Izuku and Shoto. Nobody knew what the man's quirk was yet as all his shots had been dodged or dismissed and so when Shoto was distracted by a car making it's way over to a group of small girls, due to the villains blast, the villain decided it would be the perfect opportunity to land a blow on the teenager. However Izuku and his self sacrificing self was not about to let that happen, therefore he jumped infront of Shoto just before the blast could reach him.

When that happened, a puff of smoke filled the area for a split second, within the smoke appeared a small child, kindergarten age, so about 4 or 5 with curly green locks of hair, big, sympathetic emerald eyes and four distinct freckles placed on both cheeks.
Shoto was surprised and confused all at once. Where did this child come from? And where was Izuku? Then it all clicked.
Shoto looked down at the small boy who appeared to have no clue of where he was or what had happened. Shoto picked up the small child and made his way to his father who had now captured the villain and was awaiting the arrival of the police.

Shoto: "Uhh dad"

Endeavour: "What is it Shoto"

Shoto: "We have a bit of a problem"

Endeavour looked down at his son, bewildered to see him holding a small and terrified little boy in his arms.

Endeavour: "What's the problem? Where's your friend Deku? And why are you holding that child?"

Shoto: "Yeah so, when I was dealing with that flying car Midoriya kinda jumped infront of me and got hit by that guys quirk and when that happened the boy appeared so I put the pieces together and.."

Endeavour: "That's.. Midoriya?"

Shoto: "Yes, this guy must have some sort of age quirk, like whoever he hits with a blast turns into a child"

??: "Specifically a 5 year old"
That was the first time the villain spoke since he got caught by Endeavour. Shoto and his father turn their attention to the guy, Endeavour speaks first.

Endeavour: "Alright what's your name, quirk, and how do we reverse the affects"

??: "I'm not telling you SHIT YOU RUINED EVERYTHING this was supposed to be my chance. I was finally going to get you and then your reign of being number 1 would be OVER.. I HATE YOU"

Detective Tsukauchi: "His name is Hiro Hasegawa, quirk 'Age reduction' whoever gets struck by one of his blasts will turn into their 5 year old self. We got a case about him a few months back but he appeared to have escaped community service so thank you for getting him again"

Endeavour: "Don't thank me for doing my job. Look, he appeared to have struck one of my interns here, do you know how long the affects last?"

Detective Tsukauchi: "Ah well you see we looked into it but we didn't get any clear results it seems the affects of his quirk could last up to however long"

Hiro Hasegawa: "The affects of my quirk are not in my control the affects could wear off in 24 hours or maybe in a weeks time, it could even take two weeks.. heck, even months, years even. What I've come to realise is that it depends on the person and the people around them. The more you engage and spend time with the person the faster the affects wear off. Then again, that's not always the case."

Detective Tsukauchi: "Look we'll take this guy in, you guys head back to UA and we'll do some tests on.. is that Izuku Midoriya?"

Shoto: "Uhh yeah"

Detective Tsukauchi: "We'll do some tests on Midoriya and see what more we can find out about this guys quirk, until then just keep Midoriya in a safe place with people he knows and can trust."

Shoto felt a tightened grip at his collar after that comment. Izuku was lightly shaking and had buried his face under Shoto's neck.

Endeavour: "Yeah okay thank you for your work detective we'll be in contact.

Let's get you boys back to UA okay?"

chapter 1 done!!
i am going to bed now it's 1am I'll upload more tomorrow ✦

That time Izuku got hit with an age quirkWhere stories live. Discover now