Chapter Nine: i'm sorry for everything

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Authors note: notes at end of chapter

"I'm sorry"
"I'm so sorry"
"I want to apologise"
"I've failed you as a friend and I'm sorry"

Katsuki was conflicted. He couldn't find the right words; he was up during the night, going over a range of different ways to say the word sorry. He laid on his bed, looking up at his ceiling, whilst he spaced out into nothingness. The only noise surrounding the room was Izuku's light snores.


It's been four days since the quirk incident, and still no sign of Izuku changing back.

At this point, Katsuki began to worry. Izuku couldn't stay a child for much longer, and not because Katsuki was sick of babysitting, though he was, but mainly because he actually missed Izuku, and as nice as it was reminiscing with his younger self, he still missed him and Izuku, he missed their training sessions, their talks with All Might during lunch, he even missed their sparring; but he couldn't do all that with 5 year old Izuku.

He thought back to what the villain said.. "the more time you spend with the person, the quicker they are to change back" - Katsuki had been with Izuku 24/7, maybe they're not as close as what Katsuki thought they were? He decided, that today they'd take a stroll down memory lane and head to the old childhood park they used to go to as kids.

Katsuki: "Have you got everything?"

Izuku: "Yes Kacchan!"

Katsuki: "Let's go"

Izuku: "Where exactly are we going?"

Katsuki: "Out"

Izuku: "Out where?"

Katsuki: "You'll see when we get there"

Izuku: "I don't like surprises Kacchan"

Katsuki: "Yes you do.. you love them"

Izuku: "Well I don't love them right now"

Katsuki: "Whatever, let's just go"

The boys began their journey to the park. Katsuki made sure to take the scenic route, in hopes it would spark a few memories in Izuku's mind; but Izuku was silent the entire journey. Even when they walked past Izuku's house.. there was nothing.

They eventually arrived at the park after half an hours walk. The park was a lot more beaten down than Katsuki had remembered it to be. After all, it's been years since he last went there.

Izuku was puzzled and clearly unfamiliar with his surroundings, he almost looked.. dissatisfied?

Katsuki: "What's with the face?"

Izuku: "Why are we at the park? It's not very nice weather today?"

He was right. The forecast for today was cloudy and grey, with a 90% chance of rain.

Katsuki: "I thought it would be nice to come to the park for today"

Izuku: "Can't we go to a better one?"

Katsuki: "What's wrong with this one? Do you not remember it?"

Izuku took one look at the park and grimaced.

Izuku: "No. Why would I remember it? I've never been here before?"

Katsuki: "Yes you have! You've been here countless times!"

That time Izuku got hit with an age quirkWhere stories live. Discover now