Chapter Seven: Jealousy?

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Authors note: okay so I've made a start to that new fic I was talking about, title is gonna be "Dear Diary" I'm excited for this one, it's gonna break y'all's hearts 😈

Uraraka: "My goodness today was such a long day!! Mr Aizawa really took a lot out of us during our quirk endurance training today"

Iida: "Agreed, my engines cannot run any longer"

Uraraka: "Oh I almost forgot! We're gonna see tiny Deku when we get back to the dorms, I wonder what that'll be like"

Iida: "I suggest we take it easy with him, he's literally gone back to his 5 year old self, therefore he wouldn't know any of us.. overwhelming him could be dangerous"

Uraraka: "Yeah I guess you're right, it's just so weird though. He's our friend and he doesn't even know who we are"

Todoroki: "He knows me"

Uraraka: "That's because you were with him when it happened"

Back in the dorms, Izuku and Katsuki were chilling in the home room area. Katsuki had put on an All Might documentary to preoccupy Izuku whilst he strategised how the rest of the evening may go. He didn't want to leave Izuku's side, however he knew that Izuku's friends would want to spend time with the boy too, which was practically the whole class. He also thought about where Izuku would sleep tonight, he may want to sleep in his room by himself, but if anything were to happen, Katsuki wouldn't be there.. if he absolutely HAD to he would allow Izuku to spend the night in his room.

Not too long later did the rest of the class begin entering the dorms; Izuku payed little attention to all the big kids now, in and around him - until he saw Shoto.

Izuku: "Sho-Kun!!!"

Todoroki was surprised to hear the little boy exclaim his name so loudly, he was also surprised to find said little boy running at him with wide arms. Shoto didn't know what to do, does he want a high-a-five? Does he just want to say hi? Izuku is now right under Shoto, arms still open wide, with a beaming smile on his face. Shoto's face was plastered with confusion.

Katsuki: "Pick him up dumbass"

Shoto: "Oh"

As Shoto picked Izuku up, he immediately wrapped his little arms around the boys neck as if they were seeing each other again for the first time in how ever long. Shoto embraced the hug, he'd never experienced such warmth and endearment before, it put a small smile on his face.
Katsuki furrowed his eyebrows at this reaction. So what, Icyhot is your new favourite person now? He thought to himself, as he watched the boys hug for what seemed like forever. Once again, that pinching feeling in Katsuki's chest reignited. He decided it would be best to pay no mind to it, it's probably nothing anyway.

Once the hug was finally finished Izuku was, for some reason, still propped up on Shoto's waist. Izuku was telling Shoto all about his day out with Kacchan and how he even got to help him out by carrying the heaviest item in the shopping bags! He then proceeded to explain how after his good work, Kacchan treated him to a very sweet and delicious strawberry tart, he was ever so grateful for how kindly Katsuki treated him.

Izuku: "Oh oh I forgot to mention!! Before any of all I just said, Kacchan made me pancakes for breakfast this morning!! All by himself, they were soooooo good, they had cinnamon and syrup and sugar and butter, I think, but they were really nice!! Kacchan is an amazing cook!!"

Katsuki smiled. He would never admit it, but secretly he loved it when he heard Izuku admire and go on about how great he was.

Shoto: "Wow Izuku, seems like you had a very good day then huh?"

Izuku: "Yes! It was very fun, but how was Sho-kun's day, you looked tired"

Shoto: "I'm exhausted, Sensei made us do a bunch of quirk training, it took a lot out of me"

Izuku: "SO COOL. I have a few questions. What is your quirk exactly? Does it relate to your different coloured eyes and hair? Is your quirk peppermint related? How long can you use your quirk? What happens when you over use your quirk? What does your hero costume look like? Ooh what's your hero name! And finally what hero do you see as your image of victory"

Katsuki: "You said a "few" Izuku.."

Izuku: "That was a few"

Katsuki: "That wasn't a few that was a whole interrogation, I don't think he even heard all those questions"

Shoto: "You'd be surprised actually, I've listen to Midoriya ramble so many times I've managed to adapt my attention to what he's actually saying.
For starters, my quirk is half hot half cold, in a way it kinda relates to my hair, the red represents fire, the white represents ice. No my quirk is not peppermint related, I can use my quirk for quite a long time, I just can't use both at the same time at the moment, that's what I'm working on. If I over use my ice, I could get hypothermia, and if I overuse my fire I could pass out. I can show you my hero costume later if you'd like, my hero name is Shoto and my image of victory? I guess All might I don't know for sure though."


Izuku was full of excitement.
This only infuriated Katsuki more.

Soon after Izuku and Shoto's exchange, more of Izuku's classmates began to gather round and introduce themselves to him. Izuku was shy at first, but everyone seemed so friendly, he felt no need to worry. Katsuki couldn't stand it. Why was Izuku just so casual with everyone? Izuku is supposed to be obsessed with Katsuki, just like when they were younger.

When Izuku and Katsuki were kids, they were practically glued by the hip, anywhere Katsuki went.. Izuku would follow. They were so close in fact, whenever one wasn't with the other people would look is shock. That all changed however. When Katsuki got his quirk and found out Izuku didn't have one, he no longer wanted to be friends with him, he no longer wanted Izuku to be by his side everywhere he went.
But not for the reasons you may think.

Katsuku never hated Izuku. He never really looked down on him because he was 'weak', he also never thought Izuku would make a bad hero. Rather the opposite. He knew Izuku would make a fine hero one day, an amazing one. But Katsuki knew Izuku better than anyone else. He knew how selfless the boy was, how willing he was to save and it's for that reason why Katsuki pushed him away. Sure, he didn't execute it the nicest way possible, but he had the right intentions.

When he realised Izuku was quirkless, he knew that wouldn't stop Izuku from wanting to pursue his dreams.. he was stubborn like that. He knew Izuku would want to find a way around his circumstances and still aim for the top; and as much as Katsuki admired Izuku's determination, it's also what scared him the most. He knew that Izuku would do whatever it took to become a hero. No matter how many times Katsuki tried to talk Izuku out of it, out of fear Izuku might get hurt or worse.. killed, Izuku ignored it all and continued to create this false sense of reality for himself. It was hard for Katsuki to watch, and so that's how the bullying began. He thought if he can't talk Izuku out of it, he'd have to fully break him. Break him to the point he finally gives up.

But as we know.. that clearly didn't work out because here Izuku is, here in UA high school, the top hero school in all of Japan and one of the strongest students in his class. Here he is.. currently in his five year old state.. STILL propped up on icyhot's hips..

Katsuki snapped back to reality. What was this? Why did he get so mad at the sight of Izuku being in and around his friends? Was is it because he regrets the fact that him and Izuku could be so much closer if it wasn't for his own selfishness? Maybe if he had been more of a supportive friend, than one that tears their bestfriends dreams apart because of his own fear, guilt and jealousy of how amazing his bestfriend would be if he ever got the chance to be a hero, then maybe just MAYBE they'd still be close. Sure they don't hate each other now but their relationship seems more mutual than friendly, Katsuki is actually surprised Izuku even interacts with him at all. A normal person would have cut him out their life by now, but.. Izuku is not normal, he's different, in a good way.

ahhh apologies this took so long I've been so busy since I got back to school haha, also s6 of mha came out today and omg everything is soooooo good I'm in loveeee

That time Izuku got hit with an age quirkWhere stories live. Discover now