Chapter Three: Little Midoriya

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Authors note:
I've been contemplating the structure of this story a lot.. but I'll just figure it out along the way lol


The students of Class 1A were all up roughly around the same time this morning. Amongst all the students was a burning anticipation of what they'd be met with when Aizawa enters the dorm, with their fellow classmate Izuku Midoriya.

Sero: "Dude I bet he turnt into a girl or something"

Denki: "Hahaha.. do you think female Midoriya would be hot"

Sero: "Bro what"

Denki: "I'm kidding haha"

Mineta: "I think she'd be hot"

Denki and Sero look at one another, then at Mineta, then at each other one more time.

Kirishima: "You are so weird man.. get a grip"

Most of the pupils were having breakfast and getting ready to head for school when Mr Aizawa entered the dorm. The students gasped and rushed towards their teacher, anxious to find Izuku not by his side.

Aizawa: "Good morning everyone, I know you're all expecting to see Midoriya but before I bring him in I need to lay down a few ground rules"

The students looked confused. What could have possibly happened to Midoriya, that Mr Aizawa is laying down 'ground rules' ?

Aizawa: "Okay, Midoriya is very.. uhh.. vulnerable right now? He doesn't know much and is very scared so when you see him try not to indulge on him too much"

Asui: "Sensei I think its fair to say we're all very confused. Is Midoriya okay?"

The students nodded in agreement.

Aizawa sighed. "Hah, I guess its easier I just show you. Bring him in All might"

The students tensed up as they saw All Might come through the door. Eyes widened and mouths dropped as the students took in the display. It was NOT what they had expected at all.

With All Might was a tiny version of Izuku. He was up on the tall mans waist with his little hands on the mans shoulders.

Uraraka: "Is that.. Deku?"

Aizawa: "Yes. Midoriya was hit with an age reduction quirk and reverted to his five year old self."

Everyone let out a deep "awww" in unison. All except for one. Katsuki Bakugou. This wasn't "awww" it was "AHHHH" Katsuki knew what five year old Izuku was like, heck he had to deal with the little shit, first hand growing up.

Aizawa: "Look, Midoriya has no knowledge of anyone here, the only person he was 100% on was All might"

Yup. That's Izuku.

Aizawa: "And because of this I need someone to look after him, until the affects of the quirk wear off. Now when we looked into the quirk, it seems the more time Izuku spends with the people closest to him the quicker he'll change back"

Izuku looked around the teenagers taking in their appearances. He felt lonely as he didn't recognise anyone at all. And then he saw a flash of familiar spikey blonde hair. When he looked back it was gone. That was because Bakugou was trying to avoid Izuku at all costs, he did NOT want to babysit that child. Izuku continued looking whilst Mr Aizawa was speaking to his students, trying to shuffle his eyes around the peculiar pink girl with the yellow horns.

That time Izuku got hit with an age quirkWhere stories live. Discover now