Chapter Five: The incident

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Authors note: Check notes at end of chapter (^o^)
The train pulled into Musutafu City Station, Katsuki subconsciously picked Izuku up and placed him on his waist again. This time it felt a lot more natural; and so Katsuki carried Izuku until they were outside the train station.

Once outside he plopped Izuku down and held onto his hand, he'd hate to loose a child in the busy town centre, with all the petty villains and nasty criminals out and about. Fortunately, Katsuki had his hero license and was legally allowed to use his quirk only if necessary. They headed for Musutafu's largest grocery shop, a shop where hero's were often caught buying groceries. It was one of the best supermarkets in the whole of Japan, it had a wide range of products.. even products from other countries. This was the supermarket Kaminari got his American sodas from, Katsuki didn't like them as he said they were full of sugar but Kaminari seemed to love them, he'd often buy a large pack to prevent having to go back and forth every so often.

This place was huuuuge. Izuku was visibly stunned, the kid looked as if he wanted to walk around the store and explore for himself. Izuku was almost being dragged by Katsuki as he noticed an indoor All Might statue in the pose of The Statue of Liberty. Izuku was gobsmacked, lost for words, the small boys eyes were practically star shaped.

Izuku: "Kacchan can we.."

Katsuki: ""

Izuku: "But Kacchan!!!"

Katsuki: "Where are you even gonna put that, huh?"

Izuku: "In my room!!"

Katsuki: "I don't think your room is big enough for that Izuku"

Izuku frowned. Oh how he wished he could own such a masterpiece for himself.

Izuku: "When I grow up I'm going to get one and put it in my room and look after it all by myself!"

Katsuki: "I bet you will.."

Katsuki looked at the list he had made in his phone during the train journey. It was quite a list, with such little hands to help out. How was he going to get everything he needed to with just one pair of hands? Katsuki decided this would have to be an essentials shop only, and then when Izuku changed back to his normal self he'd force him to go shopping with Katsuki as payback for being such a nuisance to him.

Katsuki: "Okay Izuku I need you to stay with me at all times whilst I'm shopping.. don't go wondering off or something"

Izuku: "Okay Kacchan!"

Katsuki: "Okay then, first we gotta go down the dairy aisle I need some..."

Something had caught Izuku's eye that made him disregard what Katsuki was saying. It was small but oh so shiny, Izuku could not get a good look of it.. he had to go closer.

Katsuki: "Once we get the vegetables we need, how about you tell me what I should do for dinner tonight, I know you like Katsudon so if you want that we'll have to go pick up some pork too.. oh and don't forget to remind me about the Crimison Riot cereal, you got that Izuku?"

No response?

Katsuki: "Izuku are you listening to me?"

Katsuki turned around to possibly one of the worst things that could happen. Izuku was not by his side. Where was he? Did someone grab him? No Izuku would have screamed if that happened, but what if the grabber covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming? Katsuki's mind was running a mile a minute. How could he possibly have let this happen, Izuku was right there!
"Okay calm down" Katsuki thought to himself, which was not reassuring at all. Izuku was missing and he had to find him, if not Aizawa would kill him!!

That time Izuku got hit with an age quirkWhere stories live. Discover now