Chapter Two: Getting a sample

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Authors note: it rained all day today T^T oh and I watched SheHulk haha I won't spoil for those that watch and haven't seen episode 4 yet but it was really good!!


Back at UA, Class 1A were getting ready for lunch. The students were gathering their things to make their way towards the lunch hall.

Ashido: "Hey, shouldn't Todoroki and Midoriya be done with their patrol practise by now?"

Jirou: "Yeah you're right.. they must've been caught up in a quirk incident or something"

Uraraka: "I hope nothing bad happened"

Within the lunch hour, Shoto, Endeavour and little Izuku make their way towards the teachers lounge in hope to find Mr Aizawa.
On the journey to UA Izuku had recognised the pro hero Endeavour and was eager to ask many questions, but the number 1's presence was quite intimidating for the small boy, and so he diverted his attention to the teenager he had clung to since the villain incident. Izuku took in the boys appearance, he noticed Shoto's two toned hair and was mesmerised by the boys eyes.

Izuku had finally calmed down, and was now noticeably more comfortable than before.
As the three entered UA, Shoto noticed how Izuku was longing to ask some questions. Shoto was one of Izuku's bestfriends and knew the boy loved to ramble, he had no doubt his younger self was the same. Shoto often listened in and didn't mind Izuku's rambling and therefore opened up the opportunity for Izuku to talk to him.

Shoto: "So uhh.. how old are you Izuku?"

Shoto knew he was with 5 year old Izuku because of what the villain had said but he did not want to startle the child with a bunch of questions, so he started off with small talk.

Izuku: "Uhm.. I'm five"

Shoto: "Oh wow.. uhh do you know where you are right now?"

Izuku: "No"

Shoto: "Okay, well you're at UA high school.. have you heard if it?"

Izuku's eyes widened in excitement and Shoto saw that as a good sign.
"This is the school that All Might goes to!" The boy said eagerly, a wide grin now spreading across his face.

Izuku: "Is he here? Can we meet him?"

Shoto: "Uhh yeah, I mean if he's not busy. Can I ask you something?"

Izuku nodded.

Shoto: "Do you remember anything before you met me?"

Izuku took a moment to think. He put his little hand on his chin and looked up, then at Shoto and said a simple "no".

Shoto: "So, you don't remember what you were doing before you appeared randomly in front of me?"

Izuku started to cave into himself.

"Am I in trouble?" Izuku asked full of sorrow, he casted his eyes down to the floor but Shoto reassured him he was not, and that they were just trying to find a teacher first. Shoto decided not to tell Izuku of the situation before speaking to Mr Aizawa in case it confused little Izuku, plus he didn't want to make the small child's mood worse, Izuku was a sensitive child and Shoto knew he wasn't the best with kids.

Eventually they found Mr Aizawa in the teachers lounge, bundled up in his usual yellow sleeping bag.

Aizawa: "Oh you're back, took you long enough, did something happen?"

That time Izuku got hit with an age quirkWhere stories live. Discover now