Chapter Eight: Just a silly nightmare

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Authors note: ... hey😅😅😅 ummm.... honestly no words, no excuses... ik it's been like three months now :'(((( sorry xoxo
enjoy this chap!!

It was now time for the night routine. Izuku would be staying in Katsuki's room since he refused to stay with Aizawa. Aizawa did not protest, however, and let Izuku sleep where he wanted to. Katsuki had prepared ahead for the night as he knew Izuku wouldn't want to sleep by himself in his own room. He brought one of Izuku's blankets into his room and one of the All Might plushies he kept by his bed. He then set up a small area on the floor for Izuku to sleep. He had laid down a couple cushions and a spare bedsheet for Izuku to lie on, he'd then cover himself with one of the blankets.

Izuku: "No"

Katsuki: "The fu- wh- what do you mean no"

Izuku: "I'm not sleeping here"

Katsuki: "Like hell you're not.. where else are you gonna sleep then?"

Izuku points at Katsuki's bed.

Katsuki: "Absolutely not."

Izuku: "But Kacchan!!"

Katsuki: "The answers no, brat. Now you either sleep here or you sleep outside"

Izukus eyes widened and his lip began to quiver. The little shit sure knew how to get his way.

The night was mostly calm and quiet. Katsuki at first was unsure of how to relax since Izuku's tiny body would be so easy to crush but eventually he managed to get comfortable. Izuku wasn't one to spread out in his sleep he always kept to himself, he was curled up into a small ball and had his blanket tucked right up to his cheek. He snored ever so faintly as the moonlight caressed his face. Katsuki studied the small boys freckles as they stood out in the gentle light. Slowly but shortly he'd fall asleep.

That was until he was woken up from small cries and agitated movements. He looked to his side to see Izuku's face in clear distress as streaks of tears trickled down to his neck.

The boy was having a nightmare.

Whatever was going on in Izuku's head was getting worst as Izuku was now fully crying. Katsuki panicked for a split second before attempting to get the boy out of his nightmare. He lightly shook Izuku on his side whilst cooing for the boy to wake up. It didn't take long for Izuku to break free from his nightmare, he was clearly shaken up by whatever was going on too. He was still crying and his breathing was a little heavier; Katsuki began to speak to him in a soft, reassuring tone.

Katsuki: "Hey, hey there Izuku. Is everything alright?"

No response.

Katsuki: "It appears you were having some sort of nightmare, do you wanna talk about it?"

Izuku sat there, gathering himself together and adjusting to his surroundings, he then looked up at Katsuki and buried himself in his chest. Katsuki was shocked by the sudden reaction but didn't question it, he put his arms around the boy and lightly rubbed his back, reassuring him that everything was alright.

After a little silence Izuku was ready to talk. He cleared his throat as he sat on Katsuki's lap.

Izuku: "You were-, you-, you were gone Kacchan"

Katsuki: "Gone? What do you mean, I'll never leave you izu.."

"You were dead", Izuku choked. His breathing began to stagger. Katsuki can't imagine what was going on in that nightmare and he didn't want the child to have to recap the events of it either.

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